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The Right Collar for Your Pup

Dogs are as unique as their owners are. They have their own personalities, and they even have their own skills. Some dogs can’t listen no matter how hard you try and teach them. Others almost seem like they could hold a conversation with you if they knew how to make their tongue cooperate.

The first thing to consider when choosing a dog training collar is the temperament of your dog. Here we’ll look at four additional considerations you’ll want to factor in.

1. Budget: Proper Dog Collars Can Save Thousands of Dollars

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a dog fence if you follow the link; there are collars using modern technology that allow you to program invisible boundaries. If your dog crosses the boundaries you program into the collar, he gets a little zap. Eventually, he learns, as Pavlov’s pups did so long ago, that there are certain areas of the yard which are “off limits”.

Pavlov trained dogs to salivate when they heard a bell ring, because every time he rang the bell, he would give them a treat. They learned to anticipate the treat. A shock collar utilizing invisible boundaries will train a dog that certain parts of your property are dangerous, so he’ll stay away from them. This is great for dogs that have trouble listening.

2. How In-Depth Training Will Be

In-depth training may require more in-depth collar choices. The collar in point one is ideal if you’re just training your dog to stay in the yard. But if you’re training your dog to stay by your side even if there’s a juicy provocative squirrel right in front of you, you might need something with a little more “horsepower”, as it were.

There are traditional shock collars that will zap a pup when he barks, there are chokers that you can use to remind a dog he’s pulling on the leash in a way that’s no good, and then there are basic collars that do none of those things. How in-depth you get will in part depend on how obedient your dog already is.

3. Current Levels of Training

On that note, the more obedient the dog, the less intensive collar options need to be. So you’ll want to factor in your dog’s ability to follow your directions before you pick up a collar.

adorable white dog

4. Harnesses, Chokers, and Traditional Collars

Some dogs can’t really be taught for whatever reason. Just as human beings have mental disorders, dogs do as well; and how do you tell? It’s not like dogs are solving algebra problems with chalk designed to be chewed. For some dogs, you’ll have to accept they’re untrainable.

A harness is better for these pups, as they won’t hurt themselves pulling on the leash. We mentioned chokers earlier, these can be an option, and sometimes you just want to go with a traditional collar with a dog tag for identification and not much else.

Weighing All Factors to Make the Best Choice

Harnesses, chokers, and traditional collars have their place; you want to factor them in as you explore your options. The level of training the dog has will also play a part in which collars are best.

How in-depth you plan to go in training your pup is another consideration, and your budget is also a consideration. Lastly, factor in the pup’s personality. Follow these guidelines and you should find a collar that works.