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Wrinkled female dogs are more likely to get dog vulvar dermatitis, which causes irritation and skin lesions. Fortunately, you can avoid this problem in your dog.

This blog post explains all about dog vulvar dermatitis (DVD), how it’s caused, its symptoms, its home treatment, and prevention. Therefore, if you have a four-legged pal, you should keep reading!

What is Dog Vulvar Dermatitis?

Dog Vulvar Dermatitis

Dog Vulvar Dermatitis is characterized by vaginal irritation, secretion, lesions, or pain, along with ulcers around the vulvar lips in some severe cases. This condition causes severe itching, and as a result, the dog will often and persistently lick the affected region.

Home Remedies For Canine Vulvar Dermatitis

You may attempt several home treatments for dog vulvar dermatitis at home; they are a complete fix. If you see any early signs of a dog’s vaginal infection or inflammation, you might try treating the condition with one of the following remedies:

Add Probiotics To Dog’s Meals

The primary objective of administering probiotics to a dog is to eradicate any diseases potentially hazardous to its health from the dog’s body.

Probiotics have been demonstrated to be beneficial in treating and preventing dog vaginitis in female dogs. They are beneficial bacteria that can contribute to the suppression of the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Applying Apple Cider Vinegar To The Affected Area

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can destroy any harmful bacteria in your dog’s affected vagina. You can dilute ACV dog vulvar dermatitis home remedies for dog vulvar dermatitis with a significant quantity of water, mix it, and then spray it on the affected regions.

Change Your Dog’s Diet

yorkie eating

The dog’s nutrition, allergies, and food sensitivity may all play a role in vulvar inflammation. 

Avoid feeding your dog any food that has fillers or additives of any kind. 

If you are unsure about the type of food that should be given to your puppy, you may discuss it with your trusted veterinarian. Dog vaginitis in female dogs may be avoided entirely by consuming a well-balanced diet in terms of the amounts of protein and fiber it contains.

Give Them A Good Bath

bathing your yorkie

The accumulation of germs is the primary factor in cases of vulvar dermatitis. Bathing your dog thoroughly and appropriately is the most effective preventative measure you can take against dog vaginitis.

Keep The Home Clean And Dry

clean a messy house

When treating your dog’s vulvar dermatitis at home with natural medicines, you must keep the environment where the bacteria dwells as clean as possible. The best way to avoid dog vulvar dermatitis in your dog is to maintain a clean environment for him at home and in his living space.

Apply Coconut Oil

Coconut oil readily alleviates the pain/itching in your pup’s body coat and provides a soothing effect on the affected area. Additionally, coconut oil is cheap and readily available.

Clean With Unscented Wipes

Unscented Wipes

If your pet dog is suffering from dog vulva dermatitis, you may notice a discharge that has an odd tint. Using unscented soft wipes, dog owners should be able to remove them quickly, taking care not to wipe their genitalia.

However, it’s important to note that treating adult female dogs with canine vulvar dermatitis at home is different from treating puppies with the same condition. Avoiding wiping or cleaning that region of an adult canine is recommended as it can alter the pH level, unlike what happens with puppies. For mature female dogs experiencing dog’s vaginitis, seeking veterinary intervention is advisable.

Vulvar swelling in female canines can be caused by various factors, including urinary tract infections and vaginal infections. Preventive measures, such as maintaining proper hygiene, providing a healthy diet, and addressing any food sensitivities, can help reduce the risk of dog vulva dermatitis and related issues.

Causes And Symptoms Of Dog Vaginitis


Malassezia, a yeast that usually lives in female dogs’ genitalia, is the primary cause of vulvar dermatitis and can lead to bacterial infection. This yeast typically coexists harmoniously with the dog’s immune system.

It is possible for feces or urine to contaminate the affected area, leading to dog vaginitis, among other potential reasons like lesions in the vagina or the development of an abscess.

Symptoms of dog vaginitis may manifest as persistent UTIs, an inflamed or red vulva or vagina, bloody urination, excessive licking of the affected area, a bad smell, and inappropriate urination. To manage and maintain the hygiene of the dog’s vulva, pet owners may consider using unscented baby wipes as part of their cleaning routine.

Types Of Vulvar Dermatitis In Female Dogs

In female dogs, there are often two different forms of vulva dermatitis.

Adult Dog Vulvar Dermatitis

Vulvar dermatitis in female canines, also known as dog vulva dermatitis, can result from various factors, including structural issues that may be hereditary or acquired.

Juvenile Canine Vulvar Dermatitis

Puppies, including female canines, can experience juvenile vulvar dermatitis before they reach puberty. Symptoms of this condition, also known as juvenile dog vaginitis, may include profuse and purulent vaginal discharge, which can begin as early as two to three months of age.

Other Dog Vulvar Dermatitis Treatments You Should Know About

In mild cases of dog vulva dermatitis, treating the problem at home with homemade therapies can be an effective option. However, if the condition occurs more frequently or persists, it may indicate a more serious issue, requiring veterinary attention for your pet dog.

Proper hygiene is essential in managing dog vulva dermatitis, and regular cleaning with warm water or specialized topical products can help maintain a healthy level of cleanliness.


If your veterinarian determines that your dog has vulvar dermatitis due to any bacterial infection, he or she will prescribe safe medications for canines.

Even though the dog’s symptoms appear to be improving, it is still essential that the medication is given regularly and that the whole course is completed. Anti-inflammatory medication and hormone replacement treatment may be additional medications that your doctor may recommend.

Elizabethan Collar

Your dog will not be able to lick the wounds if the Elizabethan Collar protects them. Therefore, this collar is most effective for treating vulvar dermatitis in dogs.


spaying dog

If vulvar dermatitis in canines is chronic, dog vulvar dermatitis home remedies do not work anymore. In that condition, spaying might help.


dog surgery

Vaginal reconstruction surgery is the best treatment choice when the illness has reached its most severe stage. The initial cause of canine vulvar dermatitis would also be considered a factor in this case. Surgery is the best choice when there is a structural/hereditary abnormality in the dog’s genitalia.

Topical Medication

You might find that applying some ointment to the dog’s vagina’s afflicted regions helps ease the itching, pain, or discomfort. Always be sure to utilize topical drugs that are designed for canine usage.

When To Go To A Vet?


You should visit your veterinarian before giving your dog any dog vulvar dermatitis home remedies for vulvar dermatitis. Your vet may be able to provide you with some pointers that are tailored to the needs of your dog in particular. 

Dog Vulvar Dermatitis Home Remedies: Conclusion

Dogs with wrinkles are more susceptible to developing vulvar fold dermatitis, but dogs can develop it due to any UTI infection, zinc intoxication, or hormonal issue. On the other hand, there are some protective measures that you may do to reduce the likelihood of your dog developing this ailment, such as providing your dog with a healthy, nutritious meal and keeping them clean and dry.


Can You Apply Hydrogen Peroxide To Your Pup’s Vagina?

No. Try to refrain from applying Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to your dog’s vagina. It might be beneficial against yeast infections. But it is not the first line of treatment. So, consult your vet before applying anything unusual to your dog’s sensitive parts.

What Are The Other Names Used For DVD Or Dog Vulvar Dermatitis?

Dog Vulvar Dermatitis, also known as Skin fold pyoderma, Perivulvar dermatitis, Dog Vulvar Inflammation, and Intertriginous dermatitis.

Can You Put Vaseline On Your Dog’s Vagina?

Although applying vaseline to your pet’s vulvar dermatitis may make them feel better, there is no evidence to suggest that vaseline actually helps treat the condition. 

Does DVD (Dog Vulvar Dermatitis) Go Away By Itself?

When it comes to young pups, the condition is typically harmless and goes away quickly following the estrus, but when it comes to older or adult dogs, medication/treatment is typically necessary.

How Can You Help Your Dog’s Itchy Vagina?

As mentioned above, you can apply some dog vulvar dermatitis home remedies, including giving hot baths, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, probiotics, and changing your dog’s diet. All these can also help a dog’s itchy vagina.