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Imagine you’re a student. You wake up every morning, grab your textbooks, and start trudging through the day’s assignments. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get motivated. Why is that?

Let’s use a metaphor of a plant. They need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. But if those things are in short supply, they start to wilt. The same thing happens to students. They need certain things to stay motivated, like a sense of purpose, a supportive environment, and a feeling of accomplishment. But if those things are missing, their motivation starts to wither.

Students need a constant source of inspiration to keep their academic flames burning bright. That might mean finding a role model, setting achievable goals, or discovering a passion for a subject. Without that kind of fuel, their motivation will sputter and die.

If you find yourself in a spot where your motivation goes down, you might notice that your academic performance drops. If you start receiving bad grades, it’s time to find help. The easiest way is by visiting StudyMoose where you can find free essays on any type of topic. This website contains tons of paper samples, which may inspire you and give you some motivation. With free essay examples, you will get back your high grades.

However, there are many other things that can help you stay motivated with your studies. It may be surprising to you but pets, especially dogs, are a great source of inspiration for students. Let’s discuss why.

How pets help students stay motivated

Believe it or not, dogs and other pets can be amazing motivators for students when it comes to studying. Here are some ways they can help.

Emotional support

Pets give unconditional love and support. And this can be especially valuable for students who are struggling with stress or anxiety. Simply having a furry friend by their side can help students feel:

  • calmer
  • more relaxed
  • more focused.

Exercise and fresh air

Walking a dog or playing with a cat can be a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. This can help students clear their minds and improve their overall health. In its turn, it can boost their motivation and energy levels.


Taking care of a pet requires responsibility and commitment, which can be a great way for students to learn important life skills. By taking care of their pet’s needs, students can also gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which can boost their motivation to succeed in other areas of their lives.

Social connection

Pets can be a great way for students to connect with others, whether it’s through:

  • dog-walking groups
  • pettplaydates
  • simply chatting with other pet owners.

This social connection can be especially valuable for students who may feel isolated or lonely while writing their essays and assigments.

Distraction and fun

Let’s face it – studying can be boring! Especially, when you have to complete a research paper. Having a pet around can provide a fun distraction and break up the monotony of studying. Whether it’s playing with a kitten or snuggling with a dog, pets can provide a much-needed dose of joy and happiness.

Getting a dog as a student

They say that teacher comments for students’ writing get better when a student is inspired with their task. So if you’ve already tried using essay examples to boost motivation and it didn’t help, it’s time to get a dog for more inspiration.

Choosing a dog is a big responsibility. Here are some things to consider when doing it.


First of all, consider the size of your living space and your lifestyle. If you live in a small apartment or dorm room, a smaller dog may be more appropriate. But if you have a larger living space and enjoy outdoor activities, a larger dog may be a better fit.

Energy level

Think about your own activity level and choose a dog that matches it. If you enjoy long walks or runs, a high-energy breed like a Border Collie or Labrador Retriever is a great choice. In contrast, if you prefer a more laid-back lifestyle, you need a lower-energy breed. It can be a Bulldog or Basset Hound/

Grooming requirements

It’s a well-known fact that some breeds require more grooming than others. Those with limited time or money for grooming should choose a breed that requires minimal grooming. For example, consider a short-haired breed like a Beagle or Boxer.


Another factor to think about is the breed’s typical temperament. If you are a student with a busy schedule, you need a  dog that is known for being independent. A low-maintenance pet may be a better fit. However, if you have more time to devote to training and socialization, pick a breed that is more high-maintenance. It will also be more loyal and affectionate.


Next, consider the cost of owning a dog. It included food, supplies, and veterinary care. Those with limited funds should choose a breed that has minimal health issues.

Time commitment

Decide what amount of time you have to devote to a dog. Taking into account your classes and studying, get a breed that is more independent and requires less attention.

Consider adoption

Maybe you would like to adopt a dog from a local animal shelter or rescue organization. This can be a more affordable and rewarding option. What’s more, you may be able to find a dog that is already trained and socialized.