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Any owner of Yorkie will confirm that these dogs are smart and it is not difficult to train obedience. But there are some character features that may be an obstacle in training your pet. Yorkies are considered to be independent and, at the same time, stubborn. That is why any obedience training should start with a plan. The first thing you need to take into account is the age of your Yorkie and your Yorkie should be less than a year old to do the training.

You need to understand that it becomes harder to train your dog when it gets older. The problem is that they can get a lot of bad habits that are difficult to change. If you do not know anything about training your Yorkie, it is better to address a professional especially if your Yorkie is over a year old. You need to follow some key recommendations in obedience training as it demands a consistent and firm approach.Training Obedience

You need to be calm and to respond correspondently to the behavior of your dog. One more beneficial thing to use when training your Yorkie is positive reinforcement. You need to demonstrate them when your dog behaves in the right way adding some more commands. Positive reinforcements may be presented as a doggy treats or some positive complement.

Owners of Yorkie need to understand that obedience training starts with commands.

Commands should be accompanied by positive reinforcement but at the same time you need to be patient especially if your dog does not understand what you want.

Also, you need to establish yourself as a leader and it is a compulsory condition that may turn obedience training successful. You do not have to make your dogs think that they are the only leaders in the family.


Photo by Dagur Brynjólfsson