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If you are looking for a way to earn some money doing something that you love, dog grooming could be exactly what you are looking for. Demand is strong and growing. In many parts of the world, the number of people owning a dog has soared, over the past few years.

The Demand for Pet Grooming Is Soaring Across the Globe

For example, according to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, in just one year, the number of dogs owned by Americans increased from 83.7 million to 88.9 million. In the UK, dog ownership has jumped from a stable 22% of the population to 33% in 2020/21. Similar patterns of dog ownership are also seen in countries like India where the number of families owning a pet has gone from 11.84% in 2014 to 41% in 2021.

When pet ownership levels rise, so does the demand for pet services. Especially for grooming. People want their dogs to look great, smell good, to be healthy and happy. Grooming plays a significant role in owners being able to do that.

Consider Starting Small

The fact that there is so much demand is great news. But setting up a grooming salon is not cheap. So, it makes sense to consider starting in a smaller way.

In some countries, people will be more than happy to let you groom their dog in their home. There are several drawbacks to doing this, but it is still a cheap and fast way to get started.

You may also want to consider leasing a dog grooming van. You can find out more about doing that here.

If you do decide to start a salon, you might want to consider leasing the equipment you need rather than buying it. But be careful. Some firms will require you to sign long leases or will have a get-out clause which means if the equipment is not in pristine condition when you return it, you will lose your deposit.

Get Qualified and Insured

In some countries, you must complete training before you can legally groom someone else´s dog. No matter how tempted you are to start grooming without the necessary training, certification, or licenses, don´t do it. It would be awful if something went wrong because you did not know how to groom a dog safely. Not only could a dog end up injured you could also be sued.

Even when you are fully trained, it is wise to get yourself properly insured.

Practice Before Taking on Paying Clients

When you take a dog grooming course, you will be able to practice your skills in a supervised environment. If for any reason, you cannot take a course, you will need to find another way to practice before taking on paid clients. Grooming the dogs of friends and family is one option.

Dog charities are another. They are always looking for volunteers, so this arrangement will benefit both parties. Especially if you continue to help out.

Consider the Franchise Route

Sometimes it will be possible to set up a salon as a franchisee. In many cases, this is the easiest route into the business. Often, training is provided. The branding and marketing materials have already been created and produced. Plus, you will have help and support during the early days of your business.

But there are cons as well as pros to taking this approach. You can gain an insight into what they are by reading this article.

Listen to Your Customers

Once you start taking on paying customers, ensure that you listen carefully. They will expect their dog to look a certain way when they leave your salon, or grooming van. Ignoring their wishes, or appearing to have done so, is a recipe for disaster. Whether your business is successful or not will be affected by whether pet owners rate your service or not. If someone is not happy with the way you have groomed their dogs, they will certainly tell other dog owners in the area that they meet while walking their pets.

Where to Find More Information

The above is very much an overview of what you need to do. It is designed to get you started and point you in the right direction. You will need to do a bit more research. This guide to opening your own dog grooming business goes into more detail. It is also worth talking to other people who are already involved in the industry. The six pet grooming associations that are listed here are all great places to do that.


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