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Dogs are a man’s best friend, and they are great companions. They are loyal and will always be there for you no matter what. Dogs not only provide emotional support, but they also help with physical disabilities by aiding in mobility, balance, and hearing.

A study was conducted to see if dogs have any biases against LGBTQ+ owners. The study found that dogs were more likely to follow the owner’s gaze when looking at queer couples than when they were looking at heterosexual couples. This could imply that dogs are more accepting of queer couples than heterosexual couples.

However, more research is needed to confirm how your furry friend would behave in the presence of gays, lesbians, or transexuals. But, it’s true that so many of these people are in love with dogs, and other pets for that matter.

If you visit lesbian hookup sites, you’ll find so many women sharing their photos with their pets. Yes, even considering that they are looking for a simple lesbian hookup, they still prefer using pics with their beloved dog. In fact, many sites now offer filters that allow you to meet someone who is an animal lover. Or if you are a lesbian yourself who loves dogs and wants to find someone like-minded, it’s enough to mention it in your profile, and voila, you’ve got a date!

Can Dogs Differentiate Between LGBTQ+ and Straight People?

There are different views on this. It may be possible for a dog with a well-developed olfactory system – it may be in the case of a beagle or bloodhound. The proper training has a significant role to play as well. Canines can sense changes in a person’s pheromones and hormones, which may be caused by sexual attraction.

Other experts believe that dogs can’t tell who is gay and who is straight simply because humans can’t understand what makes someone gay using senses that would be similar to those of a dog. Yes, dogs can sense pheromones, but there’s no scientific evidence of any pheromones for identifying a “gay” gene. Dogs may smell something different, but they can’t assign contextual meaning to that difference unless they’re trained.

It implies that there’s no real way to confirm whether a pup can identify LGBTQ+, and if they do, how would they behave in such a situation. But so many LGBTQ+ canine owners believe that they never notice their dogs behave any different when they meet their heterosexual friends.

However, it’s also important to bear in mind that some Yorkie types may be homophobic because they are not used to the LGBTQ+ community. The more they are exposed to it, the more they will get used to it and learn that there is nothing wrong with it.

Similarly, some dogs may be scared of LGBTQ+ people because they might have been hurt or abused by someone who is part of this community in the past. So, many factors are at play here, making it a tad difficult to presume how dogs would behave in front of LGBTQ+.

Why Should LGBTQ+ People Own a Dog?

As dogs are less likely to be concerned about your sexuality, they make a great friend for someone who’s still not sure about their sexual orientation. It can be hard for new lesbians and gays to navigate the world of LGBTQ+, and most turn to online dating sites to find support.

Depending on the dating site you choose, you may find a suitable partner or make matters worse. On a good dating platform, you can discuss your innermost desires with like-minded people. It means you can talk about how it feels to explore your sexuality. You may learn how to behave in front of other people. Chat rooms on these sites are truly remarkable. Above all, you can discuss more about how keeping a dog, or another pet can help immensely in discovering your sexuality.

Owning a dog is an excellent way for LGBTQ+ people to increase their social support. Having a companion animal can help alleviate loneliness and provide a source of unconditional love and support. According to the Human Rights Campaign, between 27% and 46% of LGBTQ+ individuals consider discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity when choosing where to live. Owning a dog is an excellent way for them to increase their social support and feel safe in their environment.

However, you need to consider the other point of view before taking the plunge. It’s true that the relationships sexual and gender minority youth have with their pets can offer them a lot of support, including positive self-regard and purpose.

These benefits are the outcome of better social interaction and emotional support needed to cope with stress. But other experts believe that pets can have negative psychological effects, too, especially on people whose sexual orientation or gender identity is different from that of the general population.


Dogs are not homophobic, and they just can’t tell the difference between a gay person and a straight person. Dogs do not care what you identify as; they just want to play with you and be your friend. It all comes down to how you train your companion and how much effort you put into socializing them. If you do your part right, expect your dog to behave wonderfully well with LGBTQ+ as well as heterosexual individuals.