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The changing seasons from one to another can be tough for your lovely Yorkie. It can get irritating if you don’t do some adjustments in regard to care.

The problem can be much worse in the summer when the hot and humid weather could make your Yorkie uncomfortable all season. Fortunately, I have gathered a list of the five best ways to make sure your furry friend stays cool, calm, and relaxed.

Change the Exercise Routine

As you already know, routine exercise is crucial in many ways for Yorkshire. Even during the summer, Yorkshires need their exercises every day. To summarize, daily exercise has some benefits like better heart health, decreased risk of certain diseases, better joint function, muscle maintenance, decreased risk of arthritis, a better and healthy metabolism, a better digestion system, and a great way to spend excess energy.

So, it’s obvious how important routine exercise is and why your Yorkshire can’t afford to lose it.

There are some ways to keep summer exercise safe. The first thing you can do is to change when the exercise takes place. For example, if you can take your dog for a walk earlier than usual, then you should do it.

This way you can avoid the heat by going out before the sun is on above your head. Changing your walking route should also be considered.

Try to walk where you get plenty of shade, such as under the trees, indoor route, or near tall buildings. And last but not least, try to bring enough water for your dog.

Consider Indoor Areas

As mentioned above, indoor areas can be a life-saver for your dog. Try to monitor where your dog is usually spending its time and see if the usual spots get warm in the summer.

Some usual great spots may not be ideal anymore in the summer, so either you move your dog somewhere else or do something to create shades. This is even more important if your Yorkshire is often alone at home.

Next, is checking the air conditioning. Obviously, air conditioning can make the inside of your home feels much better for everyone. But dog owners usually forget that the cool air that is blowing from the air conditioner could be bad for their dogs.

Therefore, make sure your dog’s resting areas are safe from the cold air.

Kiddie Pool

Who doesn’t love kiddie pools? For many households, kiddie pools are a lifesaver in the summer. If you have kids at home, getting a kiddie pool would be a great investment for you and your whole family.

Even better because Yorkshires are small, so you don’t need to get a big kiddie pool that could be expensive.

But of course, you can get a bigger one, so everyone can jump in and cool down during the summer heat. Fill it with water and have a lot of fun together for the entire day. To make it even better, get a kiddie pool that can be easily inflated, deflated, and stored.


Do you know that many dog owners are relying on CBD to make their furry friends more comfortable? Many CBD products nowadays are intended for pets and could help your dog stay calm and relaxed.

CBD for pets is especially popular in Canada since it is legal and there is a wide variety of products to choose from. If you are curious about CBD for dogs, visit this page to learn more.

Protect the Paws

Now here is something important that you can do, protect your dog’s paws. You can use paw wax to make sure your Yorkshire paws are protected from the heated ground. But here is the thing, paw wax will not make your dog’s paws invincible.

So, there are some limitations that you must know of. What paw wax can do is protect your dog’s paws from irritants and, of course, heat to some degree.

You can also add more protection by putting doggie shoes on your dog. These shoes can vary from summer to winter shoes, so please get the right pair for your dog.

If you do want to shop for a pair of shoes, don’t forget to bring your Yorkshire with you, as getting the right size for a small breed could be difficult.


The summer heat could be dangerous for Yorkshires. But there are some things that you can do to make the summer heat much more bearable. If you haven’t prepared for the summer, then it’s time to do it.


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