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Yorkshire terriers are short and have long, curly hair. These characteristics make them easy target for fleas during a walk outdoors. Their long hair makes it hard to detect fleas right away. That’s why it is vital to prevent fleas on Yorkies and avoid an infestation. When fleas start to infest, your pet is more likely at risk of specific skin issues and other diseases. Your Yorkshire terrier will start scratching their body, which causes bleeding and injuries.  

The culprit is fleas, tiny, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals. Fleas can quickly become a nuisance, causing discomfort to your Yorkshire terrier and posing health risks. These pesky parasites are known for their rapid reproduction, making it crucial to address the issue promptly.

Prevent Fleas on Yorkies

kill fleas on yorkies

Because of this, protecting your dog from fleas is crucial. The first step is to look at the Yorkshire terrier at least once a day for indicators of flea dirt. These are small black spots that are flea feces. To do this, you must gently pull the fur to one side to see the skin underneath it. You should check the head, back and the stomach.

The coat of the Yorkie must be combed to check for fleas or remove anything that might be hiding. When the coat is dry, run the flea comb through the fur. You should begin at the head and move to the back and legs. The process ends at the stomach, where the fleas will move during the grooming. After a few strokes, release the fleas into a dish of soapy water. This will drown the fleas.

You should also give the Yorkshire terrier a bath with a shampoo that is formulated to kill fleas. Some brands of dish soap can also be used. You should wet your dog down to saturate the fur and then scrub the shampoo in. Do this beginning with the head, down to the back and legs and finishing at the stomach.

But aside from shampoos, there are other topical treatment options for fleas. They have powerful ingredients that provide your Yorkshire terrier with parasite protection. Simply apply the treatment to your dog’s affected skin to give them fast relief.  

However, if you decide to use shampoos and other topical treatments, it’s essential to check their ingredients to know if they can be toxic to your Yorkshire terrier. Consult your vet first to ensure you use safe products for your dog’s parasite issues.  

The next step is to clean its bedding after the shampooing or applying topical treatment for parasites. The bedding should be washed several times a week to kill the fleas as well as the eggs that are just waiting to hatch. The house should also be vacuumed to catch the fleas in the house. The filter bag must be thrown away or wash it with soapy water to kill eggs.

When the dog is clean, keep them inside your home to protect them from fleas. You can place them in a portable indoor playpen to allow them to play comfortably. You can also use a crate to prevent your Yorkshire terrier from going outside your home. If your pet can’t be placed in a crate, place them in a clean, quiet room.  

In addition to cleaning and keeping them inside your home, you should keep your Yorkshire terrier healthy as much as possible to avoid parasite infestation. Fleas can make them an easy target if your pet is sick or unhealthy. So, ensure your dog is active, eats nutritious food, and is always clean to prevent fleas on Yorkies.  

cimg2131 by Montag2k, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   Photo by  Montag2k