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Dogs bring so much unconditional love and joy into your life that their passing is a terrible loss that is truly devastating.

Now that the little guy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge into a better world, you can keep their memory alive.

Preserve and honor their presence in your life with these activities. They’ll help you cope with the pain and go through the mourning period.

Soon, you’ll be left with fond memories that make you smile each time you think of the time spent with the small buddy.

Create a Shrine in Your Home

Choose a corner of your home and dedicate it to your best bud. Set up a shrine with pet portraits that you commissioned online.

Pick out your favorite picture and upload it to the site for converting it into a hand-illustrated painting.

The artists welcome requests for adding or removing features and making any other minor changes you need. You’ll receive the finished portrait in a beautiful frame with the dog’s name inscribed in stylish calligraphy.

Place the picture along with your furry friend’s toys and perhaps, name tags, water bowl, and other items. Spend time in this corner when you miss the little guy terribly.

Carry Memories Forever With a Tattoo

Getting a paw print tattoo is possibly the most permanent way to honor the love your furry buddy brought into your life. You can also add their name or match it with a likeness from a photograph.

The artist providing the body art will suggest a single-color profile or a colored image of the tiny face and their lovable grin.

Convert the Tags Into Jewelry

One of the first items you buy for a new pet is ID tags. Preserve them as a token of your pal’s memory by wearing the tags in a necklace along with other charms.

Alternatively, you can add them to a keychain, which you’ll always have with you.

Yet another option is converting the tags into a ring that you can wear. Also, ask about getting the pet’s ashes made into mourning jewelry.

Put Together a Doggie Quilt

Collect all your favorite images of the little pooch and get them printed on fabric. Pick out pictures of the dog playing with family members, laying down, sleeping, or just looking cute.

Stitch the panels together and make a pretty quilt for the sofa.

If you’re not sure how to try this DIY project, you can place orders at online stores that will make the quilt for you according to specifications.

Spend Time at the Nearest Shelter

Losing a beloved pet leaves a huge void in your life, and getting by on some days may be especially tough. While you may not be ready to adopt a new pet, how about donating your time to the nearest shelter.

Spend time caring for the animals there, and you may find the loss a little bit easier to bear. The shelter can also use all the help they can by getting sponsors or just kind animal lovers helping feed and bathe the creatures while they wait for their new owners to adopt them.


Keep the memory of a beloved pet alive using these ideas, and you’ll find it easier to cope with the loss.


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