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Warmers and sunny seasons are best for picnics to enjoy with your dog. Mostly it is said that summer and spring are the most active times for fleas and ticks, and studies have revealed that the number of fleas on dogs is 70% more in the fall season.

So, during the peak season of these pesky critters, you should always take extra care of your pet as these ticks and fleas try to burrow deep into your dog’s fur to hide out and take food for as much time as possible. To save your pet, always do a thorough tick and flea inspection when you come back from the outdoors.

Why Are Fleas and Ticks on Your Dog Dangerous?

Fleas can quickly multiply and get out of control because of the large number of egg-laying. A female flea can produce 2,000 eggs in around 50 days of its lifetime. These fleas can cause severe allergies to pets, such as itching, that may be prolonged even after the fleas have left the animal’s body. Fleas are infecting your pet and occasionally humans, thus causing various diseases, including:

  • Transmission of the dog tapeworm
  • Dipylidium Caninum to dogs, cats, and even humans.
  • Some bacterial diseases

On the other hand, ticks on dogs are also as harmful just like fleas and can cause severe diseases, such as:

If fleas and ticks on dog skin aren’t treated properly and safely, many of these diseases can be life-threatening to your doggy’s life.

How Is Your Dog Subjected to Ticks and Fleas?

Unfortunately, fleas and ticks are those canny creatures that will have ways to make it into your home despite every preventive measure. Dogs doing crazy scratching and chewing is necessarily the best indication of fleas and ticks. The possibilities by which fleas and ticks can enter your home are as follows:

  • Human visitors can be carriers of fleas and ticks.
  • Your dog playing with the other dogs or pets can introduce fleas or ticks to your parasite-free dog.
  • Long grasses are the playground of ticks and fleas, and they jump on passing dogs and get attached to the dog’s fur.
  • There is a greater chance of infestation arriving on the back of other animals, such as feral cats roaming around your property could also be a possible carriers.
  • The peak flea and tick season pose a severe threat to your pet. Even if you notice a single or two pesky pests, take it seriously until it becomes a full-blown infestation.

How Do You Spot Ticks on Your Dog’s Skin?

To some, dogs’ ticks become healthy customers and cause severe health hazards. Along with annoying itch and infection of the skin, these parasites become the sole reason for inducing diseases among dogs. The distressed Pet parents would go by any means to reduce their dog’s suffering.

It’s essential to know the presence of the ticks to spot them.

  • First, see the dorsal area of the parasite; if the hard shell is present, then it’s a tick.
  • Ticks are not insects; they are arachnids and possess eight legs. If there are no legs, then it’s not a tick.
  • Live ticks show movements. They run fast if they are not attached. The dead one curled up their legs next to their body.
  • Ticks are attached to the skin through their little heads, and they can be easily wiggled and flopped from the skin. If strictly adhered to, they are not ticks.

How Do You Spot Fleas on Your Dog?

Fleas are the trouble-causing agents for dogs. To get it treated, the owner should effectively spot the signs of their appearance.

  • Fleas range from 0.32 centimeters to 0.16 centimeters. Due to their tiny structure, it’s challenging to spot them.
  • They are typically black or brown and are shaped like an avocado.
  • You will see fleas as tremendous jumpers and spot them jumping from one side of the pet to the other side.
  • The scaly appearance of the fleas makes them easily detectable.

Four Safety Tips Related to Fleas and Ticks on Your Dog’s

Fleas and Ticks Prevention for Dogs

To prevent these tiny creatures, visit your veterinarian; they will offer convenient counter options. They will often advise topical flea and tick prevention medications that are readily available for your dog or flea collars. They can be accessible and typically stand out further than topical treatment. Have vet sessions to find the most suitable option for your pet.

Check Your Dog Actively

One of the significant causes of Fleas is itching. So whenever you see your dog scratching, it’s a sign your dog might have a tick or flea, so immediately check and start regularly combing to remove a tick from a dog. To eliminate these parasites from your pet, you can choose a flea and tick spray or medicated shampoo to kill them.

Keep Your Environment Clean

Besides your pet’s regular examination, keep the surrounding environment clean like your home. Also, do not forget to wash your dog’s bedding, use a regular vacuum, and do Dog nail filing to keep up a healthy environment.

Use Prevention Entire Year

Mostly warm and sunny seasons are linked to the spread of Fleas. So, priory takes preventive measures to lower the number of fleas in your home. There is no exact time to start treating your Dog better; instead, seek prevention methods all year to keep your friend safe.

Different Protective Treatments for Your Dog

Most people use flea shampoos, collars, and sprays to control fleas on dogs. These products are effective to some extent but more harmful, so vets at least recommend these. But medicated shampoos can effectively treat secondary skin infections due to flea infestation on your pet.

The highly recommended latest flea and tick treatments available for Dogs are:

  • Oral Tablets

    Best choice for preventing and treating fleas and ticks, along with safety supplies for your dog and the owner’s family. You can ask your veterinarian for suitable oral tablets to treat fleas and ticks.

  • Spot-On Flea Treatments

    This treatment has diverse effectiveness and can be used for different spectrums. Your expert vet can easily help you determine the most useful spot-on Flea and tick cure for your pup.

Wrap Up

Nearly every pet undergoes this Tick or Flea outbreak once or twice in their life. It’s important not to panic at that crucial time. Follow the vet’s recommendation and thoroughly take preventive measures such as giving a hot wash cycle to blankets, sheets, and pillow covers lying around. The rigorous cleaning will help eliminate your dog’s tiny fleas and ticks.


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