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Who doesn’t love puppies? Probably no one. The thing is that most people love being around puppies. Puppies are sweet and cute and will brighten up your day. If you are planning on getting a puppy, have you thought of ways you can take care of it?

How are you going to provide it with a safe space? There are several ways you can take care of your puppy, but the most important thing is ensuring that your puppy has enough food and water. You are wondering why it is so essential to monitor your puppy’s water intake. Here are the reasons why.


It is essential for you to always keep your puppy hydrated. Research states that adult dogs need only one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. This is not the same case with puppies. Growing puppies tend to drink more water than older dogs. This is despite their smaller size compared to adult dogs. A lot also depends on the size of the puppy, its age, and its activity levels.

Young pups fulfill their hydration needs from their mother’s milk. However, when they are being weaned and start eating solid food, they must have access to a fresh water supply. According to recent research, young pups will need about one-half cup of water every two hours.

This makes it essential for you to monitor the water intake of your puppy to ensure that it is taking just enough water and not too much. For example, if your pup weighs twenty-five pounds, it will need around fifteen to twenty-five ounces of water a day. On days that the puppy is very active, it may need more water.


The water rules might change a little bit during house training. Here, you should remove your pup’s water bowl at night. Also, the same way you are consistent with feeding times, you should do the same with the times you remove water.

Remove the food and water bowls about two to three hours before bedtime as a rule of thumb. This will give you a chance to take your puppy out for one last potty break before bed. You are highly recommended to ensure that your puppy has already taken food and water by 8:30 pm.

Even though the above advice works very well for most puppies, you should not take it too far. You should ensure that your pup has had enough water during the day. Remember that pups are more prone to dehydration than older dogs. This is mainly because they have a greater need for water, especially on very active days. Note that if you restrict your pup from taking water, it will most likely develop an obsessive behavior. One obsessive behavior includes resource guarding. Ensure that your puppies have enough water even during house training.


The thing is, most dogs and even puppies naturally self-regulate when it comes to drinking water. However, there are some cases where your pup may fail to take enough water to make it through the day. On days like this, it has the risk of getting dehydrated. For puppies, several other things may cause dehydration. These include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and excessive urination. To ensure that your puppy stays healthy, you should consider using the water-to-body weight calculation.

You can also do quick tests on your puppy to check for dehydration. Try grabbing the scruff of your pup’s neck gently, stretch it out, and then let go. If it’s slow to snap back, your dog is dehydrated. Feel the gums of your puppy. If they are dry, your puppy needs more water.

Once you notice that your puppy does not drink enough water, you have to make changes around its environment to encourage him to do so. Such changes include ensuring that its bowl is clean, flavoring his water, and rewarding him when he takes to water.


Believe it or not, dogs can overhydrate as well. This means you should take your time and monitor your pup’s water intake. Overhydration is also called water intoxication. It is as dangerous as dehydration. It is caused by drinking too much water. It can also be caused by the water a puppy inadvertently takes in a while swimming or playing in the water. What are the symptoms of Overhydration? If you suspect that your pups might be overhydrated, check out for these signs: Lethargy, nausea, staggering, loss of coordination, pale gums, bloating, and excessive salivation.

Also, pups that drink more water than they should have polydipsia. This is a sign of underlying metabolic changes such as diabetes and kidney issues. This is especially true if it is paired with an increase in urination. To ensure a healthy puppy, be concerned with your puppy’s water intake.

Why Is Water Important?

Just like humans cannot survive without water, the same applies to puppies. Water is vital in puppies to facilitate metabolic processes- from digestion to brain activity, blood flow, and breathing. Note that blood mainly consists of water. As it flows through your puppy’s body, it clears harmful toxins.

It also transports oxygen. Water also helps to regulate your puppy’s body temperature. For example, you will notice that your puppy pants on a sunny day. Panting helps to keep the puppy cool by releasing water through evaporation.


Getting a puppy comes with several responsibilities. For example, you have to figure out what food to use and how much water your puppy needs in a day. Also, you have to figure out which toys are safe for your puppy. This is to ensure that you do not have a dull puppy.

It would be best if you also taught your pup vital house rules. Monitoring the water intake of your puppy is just as important and should be a part of daily care. Proper hydration plays a significant role in the general health of your puppy. This article has provided you with important reasons to monitor your pups’ water intake.