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When you take a decision for a yorkie adoption, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. These are lovely dogs but not for everybody. First of all, you need to take into account health problems that may be represented by bad teeth and bad knees that would need a surgical operation. Secondly, they usually become friends with just one person in the house which is not good for the other family members.

They do not get on well with small kids but they are better with children of eight years or older. Some owners consider Yorkies to be really vocal and, before you get used to their barking, it will take a long time. Regular care, especially grooming is required on a regular basis. Yorkies were not bred to stay home all the time, they were bred to participate in hunting and these dogs are not used to being trained by other people. In other words, some Yorkies maintain to be really difficult to housetrain.

But, if you live alone and you need a friend around you, it’s a perfect dog to share your loneliness. As it was mentioned before, when you consider a yorkie adoption, the yorkie needs constant attention. That is why there should always be someone at home who could look after the dog. A lot of attention will need to be devoted to the prevention of accidents as housebreaking is a usual matter.

As a result, Yorkies are adorable and cute but at the same time, they can be destructive as ever. They have very sharp teeth and you need to pay attention to electrical cords and door frames all the time.

That is why a lot of people prefer choosing Yorkies from shelters and rescue groups as they already have those habits that you need. You will not devote all your time on training your dog.

Why We Should Rescue Shelter Dogs

A conservative estimate puts the total of dogs in shelters at shocking millions and millions. Shelters across the country receive about 3.9 million dogs each year.

More than 1.2 million dogs are euthanized every year due to conditions and other factors. Most dog shelters’ current policy allows them to keep dogs for 72 hours before having to put them down.

That is why if there are more people who choose to obtain a Yorkshire Terrier from a shelter or rescue group instead of buying those from breeding shops, more Yorkies will be brought into homes that just need loving families. This is wonderful, indeed.

But you may wonder, why is it that the number of dogs ending up in a shelter increases each time? Sources name financial burdens, unable to physically care for the dog, moving to a new home that is not pet-friendly, feeling overwhelmed with pet ownership, having allergies, and lost dog scenarios as the common reasons.

That is why if there are more people who choose to obtain a Yorkshire Terrier from a shelter or rescue group instead of buying those from breeding shops, more Yorkies will be brought into homes that just need loving families. This is wonderful, indeed.

Why does the number of dogs entering shelters seem to be increasing over time? There are a variety of reasons why people choose not to own pets, including financial constraints, an inability to physically care for the dog, relocating to a new home that does not allow pets, feeling overwhelmed by pet ownership, and allergies.

On the bright side, most rescued dogs are in good health and can be adopted without any problems. Despite the fact that some animals have behavioral issues as a result of neglect or abuse, most shelters and rescues will not take in animals who have a history of biting.

The good news is that adopted Yorkies can thrive if they are well-matched with their new families and certain care guidelines are followed.

Tips on How to Take Care of Rescued Yorkshire Terriers

If you have already rescued a Yorkie, congratulations, and job well done! Now, the real challenge begins. You’ll still need to follow the same important care guidelines for Yorkshire Terriers in general, but you’ll need to take a few steps up in your training with this terrier.

Here are care tips to remember when rescuing Yorkies:

1. Before bringing your Yorkie home, make sure the essentials are set up and ready to go. Preparation is key, so make sure you have everything you’ll need on hand.

2. It’s only natural for you to want to care for and be with your new Yorkie adoption. The long wait for a loving home has paid off, and now all you want to do is hold him and cuddle him forever. But before bonding with him, make sure that you have already set the environment and vibe for seamless interaction.

How to Assess Yourself if You are Ready for a Yorkie Adoption

When thinking about getting a Yorkie but aren’t sure if it’s appropriate for you, consider nurturing a puppy or dog first. Helping shelters that are already overcrowded definitely need your aid.

From here, you will be able to assess if getting a Yorkie is an excellent idea. Try to see for yourself how you feel about assisting a dog who may require some additional care.

Factors to Consider Before Getting a Yorkie

If you are getting a Yorkie, you should review and consider having the following requirements.

Space for Training and Walking

Yorkies are primarily family pets. While they are capable of short leash walks, they prefer to remain indoors and are therefore confined to cages or rooms.

In spite of the fact that these dogs are small, you should keep in mind that they are not a breed that belongs in the wild.

Funds for Regular Check-up

In light of Yorkies’ relatively short life expectancy of 14-16 years, they may be more vulnerable than other breeds to conditions such as knee problems, dental problems, and collapsed tracheas. Check-ups with a veterinarian will be necessary to monitor for these possibilities.

Tolerance on Noise

Yorkies have a strong sense of belonging and will outspokenly defend their territory if needed.  However, if excessive barking is a problem in your neighborhood, you’ll need to use training methods to manage this well.

Save Energy for Some Action

Yorkshire terriers are tiny in size, but they are so energetic!  There is a lot of vigor and action in them. Be prepared for some action when they wake up from their deep sleep when they’re exhausted because they can really be active when they are awake.

Consistent Grooming and Health

To keep a Yorkie entails being committed to caring for the dog’s coat in addition to providing a healthy environment and adequate food supply.

Take note that they have long, silky hair that needs to be brushed and cared for constantly. You also need to visit a vet parlor to have your hair trimmed on a regular basis.

Most importantly, taking measures how to keep them safe and healthy from ticks and fleas is a must. Using easy-to-apply topical treatments such as Frontline Plus will not only save you time and money in case your Yorkie’s skin condition gets worse due to ticks and fleas. With its waterproof property, Frontline Plus can give your Yorkie long-lasting protection. This treatment is also applicable to all dog breeds.

Devote Some Time and Attention

Even more than some dog breeds, a Yorkie enjoys spending as much time as needed on your lap or in your arms, so make sure you have time to spend with your Yorkie. They are thoughtful but clingy breeds so make sure to schedule your time wisely and don’t forget to pour them some.


Yorkie adoption, like a rescue dog and making him part of your family can be a life-changing experience. But a bit of caution: those who are expecting things to be easy on this journey will surely be disappointed. You will need a lot of tolerance and patience for your dog’s shortcomings. To sum up, you should demonstrate the ability to accept them as they are.

But here’s a thing to reassure you: most dogs in need of adoption or your yorkie adoption just need some time to adjust. Surely, without even asking for it, the experience will pay you back a thousandfold of love and learning as you gave in opening up your home.