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One of the biggest Cat Dad issues that Carl a businessman has to face on a regular basis is how to hydrate his cat Tobby. Tobby is a reluctant cat when it comes to drinking water. Tobby has faced several health issues lately due to dehydration.

Tobby is a spoiled cat who is very selective about his water-drinking habits. He only wants the water to be clean and fresh around the clock. Tobby is also selective about the location where the water is placed. He will never look at his water bowl if it is placed near a food area or a trash can.

It got very challenging for Carl to keep his cat well-hydrated. One day Carl observed that whenever the kitchen sink or washroom taps are open, Tobby runs towards them and drinks from them. Tobby had a very strong fascination with the flowing water.

Flowing water gives the impression of a waterfall. Cats have a natural instinct to be attracted to flowing water. It assures them that the water is fresh and free from contamination. Carl learned that his cat is fascinated by flowing water sources. He ordered a battery-operated cat water fountain for Tobby.

A battery-operated cat water fountain is a device used as a drinking source for your cats. Every cat lover understands their responsibility to keep their beloved cat hydrated and healthy throughout. A cat water fountain is designed to mimic the waterfall effect that fascinates cats. It creates a sense of curiosity and investigation in cats that draws them closer to it and eventually encourages them to drink water.

A cat water fountain is an incredible, revolutionary device that has changed the lives of many pet owners and cats. Sometimes cats, as well as their owners, get nervous about using it. In this article, we will cover all the safety tips to keep in mind while using a Cat water fountain.

cat drinking at water fountain

Safety Measures To Use A Cat Water Fountain

To ensure the safety of your cats while using a cat water fountain, consider the following steps:

  1. Invest in a good-quality product: When choosing a cat water fountain, always ensure that you are using a high-quality, high-end product. This is a one-time investment, and cheap products can compromise by using inferior materials. Look out for the material it is made of. The plastics used should be BPA-free and non-toxic. Cats may be sensitive to certain chemicals; using a high-quality product with safe materials will prevent any adverse effects.
  2. Regular maintenance: Make sure to maintain a regular cleaning routine for the cat water fountain. Regular cleaning ensures that the water stays clean and fresh. It also prevents the breeding of mold and harmful bacteria in water tanks. Follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions and use pet-safe cleaning products.
  3. Replace filters: Cat water fountains are installed with filters in them, such as carbon filters, net gauges, etc. These filters remove dirt, debris, and other impurities like cat hair and tiny insects from the water. Filters ensure that water stays clean, drained, and fresh around the clock. Changing these filters as advised by the manufacturer ensures water safety. It is also essential for proper device functionality as it filters out the debris, preventing it from getting clogged in the pump.
  4. Fresh water supply: Keep a check on the water levels of your cat’s water fountain regularly to ensure your cat gets an adequate water supply. Cats prefer fresh and running water, so keeping the fountain filled is essential.
  5. Monitor water flow: Keep a check on the water flow speed in the cat fountain. Most of the cats prefer a gentle flow, while some like a good splash. Adjust the water flow according to your cat’s preferences.
  6. Stable placement: Before purchasing a cat water fountain, always make sure it is sturdy and has a strong base. Cats are notoriously agile creatures who like to jump and run. This may spill the water out of the fountain accidentally. A stable base and placing it in a safe place may prevent unnecessary water spills.
  7. Safe electric setup. If your cat water fountain is electrically operated, make sure the wires and cord are out of reach of children and cats. Cats might be curious about chewing the chords, which may result in an unwanted accident. Try to opt for battery-operated cat water fountains; these are far safer and hassle-free as compared to electrically operated ones.
  8. Being Patient: Some cats are easily adaptable to changes, while others take time to adapt to new technology. Owners have to make sure to be patient and make their cats get comfortable with a cat water fountain gradually. Try to dip your fingers to build your cat’s faith in the water fountain. This may take time, but it will be life-changing for the proper hydration of your cat.
  9. Check for wear and tear: Regular inspection of the cat water fountain can prevent any future wear and tear on the device. Immediately replace any damaged or broken parts to avoid any potential hazards.
  10. Vet check: If your cat has any specific health issues or is on a special diet, consult your veterinarian before using a cat water fountain to ensure it’s safe and suitable for your cat.
  11. Supervision: While cat water fountains are safe to use, it is still advisable to keep a check on your cat while using a cat water fountain initially. This will ensure they are not experiencing any issues or behaving in a way that could lead to accidents.


 By following these safety measures, you can provide your cat with the best water intake experience. Cat water fountains have wonderful results in promoting your cat’s proper hydration.

If you notice any malfunctions or irregularities while using the cat water fountain, act promptly. Replace any damaged parts to ensure the safety and proper functionality of the device. You are good to go with using a cat water fountain once you follow these points.