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Dog racing has been around for so long that it trumps most other betting markets. However, few people know how to go about it or where to get the best odds. Fortunately, an increasing number of sports betting sites now provide access to this unique betting market, enabling individuals to capitalize on the potential for substantial earnings once they grasp the intricacies of dog racing.

Understanding Dog Races

Before placing any money on a race, you should understand their structures. Most sites offer betting options on the races below:

  1. Greyhound races: These are the most common races. The dogs start the race behind the starting gates. But just before the gates open, the race organizers entice the dogs to run by moving a hare to the finish line. The dogs leap towards the line after the hare, and the first dog to make it to the end wins the race. Since the races cover about five hundred meters, the races are short, and the odds change momentously.
  2. Sled dog races: Few sites offer odds on such races. However, this depends on the region. Places like Alaska often hold such events as the weather favors them. You can get odds from physical or online bookies during such tournaments.

In most cases, when people talk about dog racing, they refer to greyhound races as they are more common.

Betting on the Right Dog

Dog races are fast. And to make anything from your wager, you should back the right dog which can reach the finish line before the others. Greyhounds generally rank higher than other dogs as their builds allow them to cover long distances within short periods. However, there are core speed differences between the breeds. So, which ones have a higher winning rate? Let’s consider the average speed for each dog:

  1. English Greyhound: 72 km/h,
  2. Saluki/ Persian Greyhound: 69 km/h,
  3. Sloughi: 67km/h,
  4. Spanish Greyhound: 60 km/h,
  5. Sighthound: 60km/h,
  6. Whippet: 56 km/h,
  7. Borzoi: 56km/h,
  8. Scottish Deerhound: 45km/h, and
  9. Italian Greyhound: 40 km/h.

As such, the mini (Italian Greyhound) would fall behind the other dogs. But speed is not the only thing that gets a dog to the finish line. While a dog may have the structure to speed past its competition, other factors affect whether it wins the race.

Factors to Consider

As you gear up to place lucrative wagers on dog racing, you should consider the factors below:

  • Statistics: Dogs with previous winning records often have better winning chances. Of course, there is always room for newcomers. But all things held constant, pay more attention to previous winners.
  • Age: Like any sport, younger participants often have the upper hand. So, while a dog may have years of experience, it can lose to a newcomer with fewer runs. You should scope out the competition before going with the favorite.
  • Weather: Good weather favors all dogs. But rainy weather makes it harder for the dogs to get through the track. Thus, those that can run wide often have a higher winning chance.
  • Position: A dog may be fast, but its position can hamper its speed. For example, dogs near the rail often run faster than those far from it. Also, think of the running style of the dog near your favorite. Say your favorite is in trap 1, and the dog in trap 2 runs wide, your dog will have a higher winning chance. But if the dog in trap 2 goes inside, your dog will have less room and can thus fail to pick up enough pace.

Rather than focus on dog breeds alone, you should also research the tracks, the dogs in the lineup, and previous incidents. Also, follow the sports betting principles you would use in other races. These include having a budget, not placing wagers based on gut feelings, and keeping a record of winning and losing bets. You should get better at predicting race winners over time, especially if you specialize in one track.