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If you’re a dog owner, you may be familiar with the unpleasant habit of some canines to eat poop – also known as coprophagia. It can be a baffling behavior, and many owners are left wondering why their furry friend is engaging in such a repulsive activity. While it may seem like a simple question, the answer is actually quite complex and multifaceted.

In this article, we’ll be delving into the reasons behind coprophagia and exploring how you can address it in your own dog.

Understanding Coprophagia in Dogs

dogs eat poop own poop dog eat poop dog eating poo stop eating poop dog from eating poop

If your dog is eating poop continuously whether it’s dog poop, cat poop, or even the feces of other animal, it is called coprophagia . While it’s more common in puppies and younger dogs, it can occur in many dogs of any age or breed. The behavior may stem from a variety of reasons, including biological, behavioral, bad habit and environmental factors.

Defining Coprophagia

dogs eat poop own poop litter box dog from eating poop

While the term may sound strange and unappealing, coprophagia is actually a relatively common behavior in domestic dogs. It’s been observed in both wild and domesticated animals, as well as in humans (although it’s much less common in our species). While it’s not entirely clear why dogs engage in this behavior, it’s thought to be partly instinctual and partly learned.

One theory is that dogs may have inherited the behavior from their wild ancestors, who would eat the feces of other animals as a way to keep their dens clean and free of parasites. Another theory is that dogs may engage in coprophagia as a way to hide their scent from predators, as the smell of feces can mask their own scent.

Common Reasons for Poop-Eating Behavior

dogs eat poop dog from eating poop dogs eat feces eat their own poop

There are several reasons why a dog might eat poop or eat feces. Why do dogs eat poop is simply that they’re hungry. If a dog isn’t getting enough food or nutrients, they may resort to eating poop as a way to supplement their diet. This is especially true of younger dog, who have a high metabolic rate and need a lot of food to fuel their growth and development.

Another reason dogs might eat poop is due to boredom or stress. If a dog doesn’t have enough mental stimulation or exercise, they may engage in coprophagia as a way to pass the time. Similarly, if a dog is experiencing stress or anxiety, they may turn to eating poop as a coping mechanism.

One reason dogs eat poop is the lack of essential nutrients in their diet. If a dog’s diet is inadequate or unbalanced, they may resort to eating their own feces or that of other animals to acquire the missing nutrients. Ensuring your dog is on a well-balanced diet recommended by veterinary professionals is crucial.

Mother dogs sometimes eat their puppies’ feces as a maternal instinct to keep their den clean and protect their young from predators. Puppies, in turn, may mimic this behavior. As they grow older, most puppies naturally outgrow this habit.

It’s also worth noting that some dogs simply enjoy the taste and texture of poop. While this may seem gross to us humans, it’s important to remember that dogs have a different sense of taste and smell than we do.

The Role of Diet and Nutrition

dogs eat poop eat their own poop

In addition to hunger, there are certain dietary and nutritional factors that may contribute to coprophagia or poop eating problem. For example, if a dog is on a low-quality or poorly balanced diet, they may not be getting enough of certain nutrients. This can lead to cravings for foods that are higher in those nutrients, such as poop (which can contain undigested food particles and other nutrients).

Additionally, if a dog has an underlying digestive issue (such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency), they may not be able to properly absorb nutrients from their food. This can lead to malnutrition and an increased risk of coprophagia or consuming poop.

It’s important to note that while coprophagia is generally not harmful to dogs, there are some risks associated with the behavior. For example, if a dog eats poop that is contaminated with parasites or bacteria, they may become sick. Additionally, eating poop can lead to bad breath and digestive issues.

If your dog is engaging in coprophagia, it’s important to speak with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues and to develop a plan to address the behavior. This may include changes to your dog’s diet, increased exercise and mental stimulation, and training to discourage the behavior.

The Science Behind Poop-Eating Behavior

dogs eat poop because of separation anxiety eat their own poop

While the reasons behind coprophagia may seem simple at first glance, there is actually quite a bit of scientific research that can shed light on this behavior.

The Role of Instinct

One theory is that coprophagia is an instinctual behavior that dates back to when dogs were still wild animals. In the wild, dogs would often eat poop as a way of keeping their dens clean and free of parasites. By eating poop, they could remove potential disease vectors from their living space and reduce the risk of illness in their young. While this might not make much sense in a domestic setting, it’s possible that some dogs still retain this instinctual behavior. Also, certain medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal disease or intestinal parasites, can lead to increased appetite and poop eating.

Interestingly, this instinctual behavior is not limited to dogs. Other animals, such as rabbits and rodents, also engage in coprophagia for similar reasons. For rabbits, eating their own poop (known as cecotropes) is actually a necessary part of their diet, as it allows them to extract additional nutrients from their food.

Health Implications for Dogs

dog eating poop own poop poop eating dogs

While coprophagia may seem like a harmless behavior, it can actually have negative health implications for dogs. Eating poop can expose dogs to a variety of parasites, bacteria, other pathogens that can cause illness. Additionally, if a dog is eating their own poop, it can lead to a cycle of reinfection if they have an underlying medical condition.

It’s important for dog owners to monitor their pets for signs of coprophagia and take steps to discourage the behavior. This may include keeping the yard clean and picking up poop promptly, providing plenty of opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation, and consulting with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.

The Impact on Dog Owners

poop eater dogs poop dog's poop dog eats

Coprophagia isn’t just a problem for dogs – it can also be a major headache for their owners. Aside from the general ick factor of dealing with poop-eating behavior, it can also lead to messy accidents in the house and unpleasant odors. Additionally, if a dog is eating the poop of other animals (such as cats), it can create tension between pets in the household.

Some dog owners may feel embarrassed or ashamed by their pet’s coprophagia, but it’s important to remember that this behavior is not uncommon. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that up to 16% of dogs engage in coprophagia at some point in their lives.

If you’re struggling with a dog who has a poop-eating habit, there are a variety of strategies you can try to discourage the behavior. These may include using taste deterrents, providing plenty of chew toys and other distractions, and working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

Identifying and Addressing the Problem

poop immediately dog's food dogs evolved associate poop dog's mouth

If you suspect that your dog is engaging in coprophagia, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. Coprophagia, or the act of eating feces, is a common behavior in dogs that can be caused by a variety of factors, including boredom, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.

While the behavior may be unpleasant, it’s important to approach the issue with patience and understanding. Punishing your dog for eating poop can actually make the behavior worse, as it may cause your dog to become anxious or fearful.

Signs Your Dog May Be Eating Poop

First and foremost, it’s important to confirm that your dog is actually eating poop and not something else (such as a foreign object or vomit). Signs that your dog may be eating poop include stool-stained fur, bad breath, and an obsession with sniffing or licking the ground.

It’s also worth noting that some dogs may eat poop simply because they enjoy the taste or texture, while others may do so as a result of underlying medical conditions such as pancreatic insufficiency or intestinal parasites. If you suspect that your dog’s coprophagia is related to a medical issue, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian.

Preventative Measures and Training Techniques

other dogs

To prevent or address poop eating behavior in dogs, here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Keep the litter box clean and ensure your dog cannot access cat poop or other animal feces.
  • Supervise your dog during potty breaks and promptly clean up their waste.
  • Train your dog with positive reinforcement techniques, rewarding good behavior with a tasty treat.
  • Provide ample mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and anxiety.
  • Maintain a consistent potty training routine to establish appropriate elimination habits.

If the behavior persists or becomes a serious concern, consult a professional veterinary behaviorist or animal trainer for guidance.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

veterinary medicine other dogs dog is eating poop american kennel club inappropriate association

Eating poop is a behavior that can be concerning for dog owners. While occasional poop consumption may not be a cause for immediate alarm, there are situations where it is important to consult a veterinarian.

Here are some scenarios when veterinary guidance is recommended:

Persistent and Excessive Consumption:

If your dog exhibits a habitual and excessive pattern of poop eating, it is wise to seek professional advice. This could indicate underlying health issues or behavioral concerns that require further evaluation.

Changes in Behavior or Health:

If your dog’s eating habits suddenly change, or if they experience gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting, diarrhea, or discomfort, it is important to consult a veterinarian. These symptoms could be related to digestive disorders or other medical conditions.

Ingestion of Foreign Objects:

If your dog consumes poop along with foreign objects such as sticks, plastic, or other non-food items, there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal blockage or injury. Immediate veterinary attention is necessary in such cases.

Underlying Medical Conditions:

Certain medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal diseases or nutritional deficiencies, can contribute to coprophagia. If you suspect any underlying health issues, it is best to seek veterinary advice for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Dogs may eat poop due to various factors, including nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal diseases, or behavioral issues known as coprophagia.

Is It Normal For Dogs To Eat Poop?

While not considered a normal behavior, some dogs engage in coprophagia, which is the act of eating poop.

What Causes Dogs To Engage In Coprophagia?

Several factors can contribute to coprophagia, such as a dog’s diet, the association of poop with positive or negative experiences, or the natural instinct of scavenging.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Dogs Eating Poop?

Yes, there can be health risks, including the transmission of parasites or bacteria found in feces and potential gastrointestinal issues.

How Can I Stop My Dog From Eating Poop?

To stop this behavior, you can try strategies like keeping the environment clean, providing a well-balanced diet, using positive reinforcement, and consulting a veterinarian for guidance.