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We know dogs are like babies. One cannot say no to them, and it becomes impossible to resist when they make those cute faces to get yummy treats. So, let a dog BMI calculator help you keep your furry friend in top shape. You do not have to feel guilty anymore about it as you can feed your dogs with love and within limits using a dog Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator. We are lucky to have a puppy weight calculator/dog weight calculator these days. Meanwhile, Youtuber PetSci, in their video, explains what BMI is, how calculating your dog’s BMI is different and how to determine your dog’s BCS (body condition score). Check it out below:

So, let us learn more about the dog BMI calculator.

Wait, Is My Dog Overweight?

fat yorkie and the pet owner using the dog BMI calculator

You will be lying if you say that it does not bother you when someone points out that your dog might be gaining a little weight here and there.

Managing the size and weight of a dog while keeping a healthy diet and exercise routine is one way to mitigate health issues and extend your dog’s lifespan.

This is why only you can answer if your dog is overweight and, for once, be very candid about it.

Here is how you can check your dog for extra weight:

  • First, stand above your dog and look down on them. You should be able to see the waist, and it should taper inward to create an hourglass shape. If your pup’s waist is straight or curved outward near the tummy, he is overweight.
  • Duck down to look at your dog from the side. Now, the chest area should be broader than his belly. When close to his hindquarters, the stomach should tuck upward. He is overweight if it is straight from the chest to his hindquarters or if his stomach is bulging downward.
  • If your pup’s ribs are visible, do not panic. It is a good sign. You should spot a bulge at each of your dog’s ribs and must be able to feel them through a slim layer of fat. But, if you cannot, they are overweight.

Here’s Why Your Dog is Overweight

Once a person is sure that their dog has become overweight, it is more difficult for many to understand “why my dog is gaining weight”?

Your blind love for our pup can put his life in danger, and therefore, it is essential to learn about the causes of his unusual weight gain.

There could be many reasons why your dog is gaining weight. Let’s discuss a few here:

No Physical Activity

Dog owners know how crazy these fellows are for fun walks or Sunday strolls. A lack of exercise hurts them.

Dogs need to have some physical activity in their routine. If you are busy, you should take some time out for them.

Bad Diet

Be vigilant about what and how much your dog is eating. The excess energy gets stored as body fat if they eat more than required.


Similarly, dogs become lazy and food lovers as they get old. So, again, take assistance from a puppy age chart and dog breed weight chart.


As pet parents, we make fun of our Collies devouring everything but the dishwasher. Moreover, we find it amusing how our Terriers lounge around all day. But we all know that carrying additional pounds has significant repercussions. 

Primarily, all dogs are in danger of gaining lbs. However, physical characteristics and genetics might make some breeds more vulnerable than others.

  1. Dachshunds

    Too much napping and not enough activity will easily convert your Weiner canine into a puffy sausage. Also, they are susceptible to Cushing’s disease. This increases the dog’s weight by overproducing the stress hormone cortisol.
    Moreover, the dog’s body condition (tiny) predisposes them to spinal difficulties. Thus, excess weight gain puts additional strain on the limbs and back. This makes them more prone to slipping or ruptured discs.
    Hence, these species need to maintain a healthy weight.

  2. Labrador Retrievers

    Labs are inclined to food-seeking behavior and weight gain because of a genetic difference. Experts claim dogs with the gene were famous because they were simpler to teach with incentives. Thus, allowing the mutation to pass down.
    Carrying additional pounds around their stomach, trunk, and neck increases their risk of arthritis. Moreover, such dogs are also susceptible to hip dysplasia and other weight-related disorders.
    Thus, you must keep a body condition score to know if your dog is overweight. First, however, keep a vigilant check on what your dog eats. This is because this breed loves food and can eat whatever, whenever.
    Therefore, keep your treats less frequent and enhance the canine’s exercise time.

  3. Golden Retrievers

    These larger canines with more enormous appetites require regular exercise to be healthy. They’re also more prone to hypothyroidism, a thyroid hormone imbalance that can contribute to weight gain.
    Goldens are subject to joint illness, dysplasia, and obesity, all of which can enhance by the additional weight.
    So, keep a bmi calculator in reach if you own this canine breed. Furthermore, try to maintain its weight in the ideal weight range.

  4. Rottweilers

    Rottweilers gain weight quickly as huge dogs. Further, they are frequently bred to be even larger than police dogs. As their primary purpose was herding, a lack of proper activity will also induce weight creep.
    Plus, the more mass their bones must hold, the worse it is for their pelvis. Consequently, it increases their risk of osteoarthritis. Additionally, excess weight in younger years can be incredibly challenging on joints in this fast-growing breed.
    Hence, the dog’s BMI can tell you where it stands in the health department

  5. Pugs

    Even healthy-weight pugs might have breathing issues due to their noses and enlarged palates. Consequently, this makes exercise difficult.
    Moreover, they will also dine indefinitely.  Accordingly, any excess weight significantly raises a pug’s risk of cardiac and respiratory problems.
    Hence, feed food at regular intervals to maintain a healthy dog. Plus, strenuous activity can be taxing on their limbs and respiratory system.
    Therefore, choose mild play and brief walks during the cooler hours of the day.

  6. Basset Hound

    The floppy-eared puppies are voracious feeders with an inclination towards sloth. Thus, they acquire weight quickly if they don’t exercise regularly.
    Because they have short legs and lengthy backs, excess weight puts even more strain on their joints. Consequently, it increases their risk of dysplasia and degenerative disc.
    Further, Bassets may appear quite comfortable on the armchair, but they require a daily stroll around the neighborhood. Finally, to avoid weight gain, limit their social food intake.

  7. Beagle

    The same acute sense of smell that makes beagles excellent hunters also drives them to eat. However, they are prone to Cushing’s illness and hypothyroidism.
    The extra weight might put additional strain on their back, resulting in discomfort, injury, and joint disease.
    So, calculate your Beagle’s body mass index immediately to learn about their health.

Hormonal Issues or Diseases

Hormonal changes, genetics, and diseases generally make dogs gain weight. Their symptoms are often visible to the owner, but they do not pay attention.

Neutered dogs are also more likely to become obese.

It is better to reach out to your vet for an accurate diagnosis and cure. However, using a dog BMI calculator is another way to check fast if your dog’s weight is a problem.

What is a Dog BMI Calculator?

dog BMI calculator measures the fat in the body estimated against a dog’s weight and height.


You can calculate a dog’s BMI using a dog BMI calculator and determine if your dog is overweight or obese. It subsequently also tells if a dog is underweight or healthy.

The Dog BMI Formula

To operate a dog BMI calculator, you have to know your dog’s breed, height, and weight. Of course, the sex of your pup is essential too.

The dog BMI calculator utilizes the exact formula used for the human BMI, but it has the addition of the dog breed. Here is the dog BMI formula:

BMI = mass (kg) / height^2 (meters)

Concerns like “how big will my dog get are important at this step. The breed of a dog is also significant as it specifies the average weight and size he is likely to be later on.

How Does a Dog BMI Calculator Work?

To check a dog’s BMI, you must go on a credible website and enter the sex, height, weight, and breed. Then click calculate and get your dog’s BMI results.

Another option is to weigh your dog. If in kilograms, divide by 0.45 to get the weight in pounds. Now measure the size from the shoulder. If in centimeters, divide by 2.54 to get measurements in inches.

Divide the dog’s weight by size and get the BMI taking the help of a dog weight chart/dog growth chart. If your dog is a mixed breed, use a mixed-breed puppy growth chart.

What the Results Say

Websites dealing with a dog BMI calculator usually use reference values from official platforms such as the American Kennel Club provides healthy BMI ranges for almost 157 dog breeds.

When you enter your dog’s details, you will get a BMI value which you can then compare with the healthy range.

For instance, the BMI of a 20.9-inch and 40 lbs dog is 1.93, which is a good result for Samoyed, but not for a Boxer. Dog sizes by weight vary.

Please, remember the healthy range is different for every breed. Therefore, it is helpful to check the Canine Body Condition Score (BCS).

My Dog is Overweight – What Now?

dog body chart

When the truth gets out, do not panic. Instead, it is advisable to see a vet and book an appointment for a checkup and see what he says.

On the other hand, if they are happy with your dog’s overall health, he just needs to shed some weight. The following steps can be helpful:

  • Say bye to dog treats: It is ok to be a little strict now because the health and life of your dog are at stake.

So cut those treats even if you think they are healthy and use a dog calorie calculator. Instead, have some more playtime with them.

  • Make room for fun activities: Consider getting them in good shape through exercise, such as regular daily walks.

You can also get another dog to give them a playmate.

  • They must eat quality food: Quality dog foods may charge some extra cash from your pockets but keep the tummy happy and full for an extended period. 

Try them. Make their meals in reasonable amounts.

  • Let them eat at distant places: You can also experiment by changing their eating places. When it is time to eat, place their bowl in faraway places like terraces or backyards. The idea is to get them moving.

Bottom Line: Dog BMI Calculator Saves Dogs

We love dogs in all sizes and shapes, but a dog’s body condition matters. So, aim for a healthy dog weight.

Unfortunately, obesity in dogs pushes their mortality rate to a dangerous level. Therefore, one must never neglect a dog’s weight or a dog’s body.

Therefore, it is better to keep checking their weight using a puppy growth calculator/puppy weight chart/puppy weight predictor for their long and healthy life, and dog BMI calculators come in handy to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs you’ll find helpful for your dog’s health:

What Is My Dog’s Healthy Weight?

First, calculate your dog’s Canine Body Condition Score (BCS) score. Then, with the Body Condition Score dog’s fat is calculated.

Then calculate your pup’s target weight. You can determine your dog’s ideal weight using a puppy growth chart when you get your dog’s BCS.

What Is a Perfect BMI for Dogs?

A score of four or five is perfect when we talk on a scale of one to nine.

Dogs with a score of one to three are considered too thin. Meanwhile, dogs with a score of six or seven are overweight.

Obese dogs usually get a score of eight or nine. However, abnormally overweight dogs can also have a score greater than nine.

How to Calculate a Dog’s BMI?

You can calculate a dog’s BMI using a dog BMI calculator, where calculations are made based on a dog’s breed using information about his height and weight.

How Frequently Should I Feed a Dog?

In a bid to lose excess weight, dog experts suggest giving them food twice daily. However, this portion size can vary according to the need and size of your dog because all pups are not the same.

Questions such as how many calories a dog needs or how many calories a dog should eat may baffle you. Just ensure that your dog eats enough for its size and requirements.