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Did you know that pets can have an extraordinary impact on your well-being? They’re not only the best companions in blue days but also have significant health improvement contributions that cannot be neglected.

Dogs, in particular, are one of the best therapy animals. They have so much to offer, and who thinks that they’re only adorable and loyal, learn that these four-legged friends are much more than that.

And if they make for great companions for you, just imagine how many smiles would bring on your parents’ or grandparents’ faces.

Even if you don’t know or refuse to think about that, seniors can sometimes be overlooked or underserved, the reason why, not infrequently, they isolate themselves, feeling that they don’t have any purpose.

It’s a real pity because older people are a source of wisdom and history, people from whom you have only to learn.

A dog’s need is even higher for those living in assisted living facilities, on their own, or facing health-related issues.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a dog for your elder relatives, you’re in the right place. This article explores some valuable benefits of a dog for seniors.

Keep reading!


More and more seniors live alone and don’t have a particular purpose, so they’re likely to isolate themselves and lose motivation. But what does all this motivation stand for?

It can be motivation in the most basic things, like getting up, making the bed, cooking, and going for a breath of fresh air. It’s well-known that older people no longer have the same mobility as in their youth, but it doesn’t mean they have to spend all day in bed.

It’s even recommended to be as active as possible in old age to avoid health problems like muscle deterioration.

But dogs can help them in this regard. Knowing that they have a good cause to get out of bed every morning, that is feeding and walking their furry friend, seniors would no longer spend the day watching the news.

Taking care of their pups gives them the chance to get more active and invest in themselves. Either go for a walk or shopping – all that is beneficial for any senior’s physical and mental health.

Social Interaction

Caring for a fog can be a social activity, and if this sounds strange to you, here’s the explanation: older people are somehow forced to get out of the house, given that their pups need to be walked at least 30 minutes a day.

Some breeds need routine walks, which means walking them at specific times in the day. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know more people and socialize. You’ll be amazed how many lonely folks make friends with the occasion of a simple dog walk.

They meet people more or less the same age as them, but the most important is that they find things in common, such as talking about their dog breed, how they are taking care of their four-legged friend, and so on.

This is a good start for conversations that can transform into real bonds in time. There are even dog parks specially designed for social interaction, and we can do nothing but only appreciate the effort of whoever thought about that.

Improved Health

Owning a dog can be beneficial for seniors dealing with mental and physical issues in a way that you cannot even imagine. Apart from the fact that dogs boost the activity level, they positively impact the heart’s health.

Studies show that owning a pet leads to better cardiovascular health by decreasing blood cholesterol. Petting soothes tension and reduces stress, hence dropping blood pressure.

Blood cholesterol is one of the main reasons someone has a heart attack, so it would be better to consider gifting your older loved one a furry friend.

And if you’re wondering what breed would be perfect for your parents or grandparents, there are a lot of dogs for seniors you can choose from. Poodle, Pomeranian, French Bulldog, and Bichon Frise are only some of the most popular breeds older people opt for.

Now, to return to the health benefits of dogs, it would be helpful to know that increased heart health is not the only benefit a four-legged can have. Seniors who choose a dog as their pet can also see significant mood changes.

You may have heard that pets increase happiness by relieving stress and anxiety, but you don’t know how they do that. When you’re emotionally attached to another living thing, be it a friend or a pet, the hormone associated with stress, cortisol, is decreased.

That’s how your brain responds to this connection. And if you ever felt calm in the company of a dog, that’s because the feel-good hormone, oxytocin, is released when you look into a dog’s eyes.

However, when the presence of a puppy is not enough to ease their pain, don’t hesitate to call for home care services. Healthcare specialists can take care of your parents’ or grandparents’ mental and physical health right at their bedsides.

Depending on the patient’s complication, they can visit your older relatives regularly, from one time a day to two or three times. With the proper medical care and loving companionship, be sure that your older loved ones will be well again.

Sense of Purpose

From the myriad of benefits a dog can provide for an older adult, one of the most important is that they help the elderly find a purpose.

As we already mentioned, some seniors who live alone or in assisted living facilities have difficulties finding the necessary strength of facing the day with all the activities involved. So, they prefer to stay inside and wait for today to end and for tomorrow to come.

But owning a dog implies a daily schedule. These furry friends need special care – from feeding and walking to cleaning and grooming. This kind of routine can motivate older adults because it provides a sense of purpose and increases self-worth.

Final Thoughts

The elder people in our lives are special, and if they once took care of you, now it’s time to return the favor. One of the best ways to contribute to their physical and mental well-being. So, if they don’t have a puppy yet, go and find one – they have incredible health benefits!


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