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Dogs appear to be incredibly affectionate creatures. They are able to not only feel what you feel but also sympathize with you and understand how you are feeling.  They’ll lay on your lap and be especially sweet to make you feel better. If you are a pet lover and want a new Terrier breed, preferably a Scottish Terrier or Yorkshire Terrier, then this article is for you.

Let us discuss these two beautiful terrier breeds in detail.

History, Care Tips, And Helpful Information For Pet Owners

Terriers are popular as pets because they are friendly and fun to watch (while playing). Before choosing a breed of terrier to keep as a pet, it is a good idea to conduct some study on the many types of terriers because they can range greatly in appearance, size, and personality.

The Scottish terrier is one of the most well-known and best-known dog breeds in the Terrier world. These dogs are bright and stubborn, making them potential wonderful companions for the proper owner.

Breed Overview

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish terrier is one of the oldest, most well-known breeds. They are quite intelligent, much like their other terrier cousins, but Scotties need a bit less activity than other terriers, which makes them a wonderful choice for those who live in apartments.

They will get along well with other dogs in the household if they are socialized at an early age, but due to their intense instinct to hunt, it is likely that they will not get along with cats.

Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire terriers are among the most attractive dog breeds. Their owner will undoubtedly be happy to take them out in public, as they have exceptional personalities. The hair of Yorkshire terriers is similar to that of humans in that it is very fine, straight, and shiny. They are very protective of their owners and serve best as guard dogs.

Characteristics Of The Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is a toy-sized dog with a compact build and stocky legs. He has a wiry coat of hair that can withstand the weather and a soft undercoat. The coat is mostly black, but it also has some other colors, like a wheaten shade, greyish black, and brindle.

The eyes are rather little but quite brilliant, and the ears stand straight up. The tail is not docked, is of medium length, and is almost usually carried straight up without curling over the back.

These pups are stubborn and dominant and have a bad temper when they are around other canines, but they get along fine with their family group, Terriers. When you adopt one of these dogs with their unique appearances into your house, he will be a buddy that is affectionate and devoted to you.

History Of The Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is sometimes called the Aberdeen Terrier, but his fans call him “Scottie.”

This ancient breed was bred to hunt pests on farms. In the early 1440s, rough-haired Scottish and smooth-haired English Terriers were documented for the first time. The Scottish Terrier Club of England was started in the early 1880s, and the Scottish Terrier Club of Scotland was set up in the late 1880s.

Scottish Terrier Care

Scotties must need proper care and attention to look good. Their thick, wiry topcoat must be groomed twice or thrice weekly to prevent tangles. Also, their dense, soft undercoat needs to be treated regularly, preferably by hand-stripping, where the roots pull the hair out.


Since Scotties were initially meant to be working dogs, they would inevitably need regular exercise and mental stimulation. These dogs will enjoy a walk, but since they have short legs, you can’t expect them to run with you.


It’s a common myth among dog owners that Scottish Terriers are notoriously difficult to train. But that’s not true. They can be trained easily with proper attention. Some Scottish Terriers learn faster than others.

If you put in the effort to develop the link you have with your Scottie, they will be very devoted to you, resulting in them being good learners. Not only will they learn the basic training, but you also have the ability to advance their training to any level you see fit.

Health And Grooming Needs

Since Scottie sheds a lot, you’ll need to brush him at least twice weekly. Trimming and clipping his coat regularly will be necessary to keep his appearance at its best.

Additionally, it is necessary to examine not only his teeth but also his eyes and ears simultaneously. Check his teeth while you’re cleaning his teeth because he can’t tell you if he’s experiencing a severe toothache. Cut and file his nails as well.

Drooling Potential

Drooling is a messy behavior that is shown by many different dog breeds. Dogs can drool in any part of the house, including the living room and the dining room, which can cause the floor and furnishings in those rooms to become filthy and messy. It’s a good thing Scottish Terriers don’t drool very often.

Scottish Terrier Common Health Problems

There are a lot of congenital disorders that can affect these dogs, even though they are strong and powerful. These genetic ailments include patellar luxation, hypothyroidism, skin disorders, cataracts, Scottie cramp, and a wide variety of cancers (the most common of which are mast cell tumors, lymphosarcoma, and bladder cancer.)

Fact: A Scottish Terrier has the potential to live a long and contented life if it is bred in a responsible manner and given proper care beginning in early puppyhood.

Scottish Terrier Diet And Nutrition

It is always best to feed pups based on their size, age, and activity level. Every dog is different, and not all canines have the same dietary requirements.

The food quality you give your pup can significantly impact his or her overall health. It is always in your best interest to feed your dog the higher-quality kibble that is offered. Your Scottish Terrier will depend on you to give him good kibble with the right mix of vitamins and minerals.

Dogs rely on simplicity and constancy, so give him homemade food that’s easy on his digestive tract. A little bit of raw meat every now and then can also do him a lot of good. Make sure he has cool, clean water to drink all the time.

Scottish Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier Size Comparison

The Scottish Terrier is a compact and robust breed of dog known for its tiny size and short legs (as discussed above). Scottish Terriers’ ideal height should be 9-10 inches (from the shoulder). Their males weigh between 19 and 22 pounds, and females weigh between 18 and 21 pounds.

On the other hand, Yorkshire Terriers should be 8 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh no more than 7 pounds, with 4 to 6 pounds being ideal.

Scottish Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier lifespan

The average life expectancy of a Scottish Terrier is 12 to 13 years. The average life span of a Yorkshire terrier is between 14 and 16 years. Compared to other breeds, where the average life span is only 5 to 8 years, this is very good. Within the breed, however, various variations can be found in terms of range. For example, females live about 1.5 years longer on average than males.

Scottish Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier adaptability

The Scottish Terrier has a good reputation for getting along well with people. They enjoy being in the company of others, mainly if it is members of their own family. They adapt well to new owners and changes. You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about if you are a competent dog owner who will love their pets and provide for their needs.

On the other hand, the Yorkshire Terrier is a good choice for living in an apartment. However, if they are left alone for an extended period, they will not be happy and will get stressed. Weather extremes are intolerable for Yorkies, whether hot or cold.

Hot Weather Tolerance

Scottish Terrier tolerates hot weather better than Yorkshire Terrier. When the weather is hot, you should offer your pup some shade and water. Also, stay away from hot pavements; if you can’t put your hand on the ground for more than a few seconds without burning your skin, the ground is also too hot for furry friend paws.

What About Cold Weather?

When compared to the Yorkshire Terrier, the Scottish Terrier is better able to handle chilly temperatures. Most dogs can tolerate temperatures as low as 48 degrees Fahrenheit, but those that are sensitive to the cold may struggle. Extremely young, sick, or old dogs need special care when temperatures drop below 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

Owners should be aware that their dogs are at risk for cold-related health issues, such as hypothermia and frostbite, when the temperature drops below 20-25 degrees Fahrenheit.

Scottish Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier Temperament

The Scottie is a breed known for having a solid and independent temperament. As a puppy, he likes to play, but as he grows up, he becomes more severe and profound. He is stubborn, but because he is a terrier, he is smart and can keep an eye on things. 

On the other hand, Yorkshire terriers are also stubborn but somewhat less than Scotties. They absolutely adore interacting with other dogs, especially other terriers. They enjoy living in apartments as long as they are required to have daily exercise and playtime.

Looking For A Perfect Family Dog?

You can’t go wrong with a Scottish Terrier or Yorkshire Terrier as a companion dog. With their outgoing nature and kind temperament, they are perfect for families. Due to their warm personalities, both will be welcomed with open arms into the family.

Scottish Terriers are known to be patient and kind with kids; on the other hand, Yorkshire Terriers need a little more time to adjust to children, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be great family pets.

Guarding Behavior

Yorkshire terriers are inherently distrustful of strangers and will likely take a protective stance, in contrast to Scottish terriers, which are known for their extreme sociability.

Scottish Terrier vs Yorkshire Terrier Trainability

Scottish Terriers are hard to train. They refuse to give in and have the determination to lead an independent life. They may be challenging for anybody, but particularly inexperienced owners. Therefore, you must prepare yourself psychologically for several failures along the route of training. Your patience will be put to the ultimate test by Scotties.

Yorkies are easy to train because they are intelligent and eager to please. They like praise and treats. Most owners will succeed if they show their Yorkie additional attention for good behavior. Yorkies are known for being hard to housebreak, and some of them can be very possessive.

Do Scottish Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers Need A Lot Of Physical Activity?

Scottish Terriers are very flexible when it comes to how much physical activity they need, but they do need a good balance of physical and mental activity. Once physically healthy, dogs of this breed will love problem-solving activities and walks of varying lengths, but they will require at least one hour of daily exercise. This breed is known for its intelligence.

Yorkies are toy-sized dogs that don’t need as much exercise as larger dog breeds do because of their size. They can live in a little apartment or condo. But they like to move around and play games like tug-of-war or fetching balls.

The Bottom Line

Scottish Terriers are known for their strength and independence. Though Scottish Terrier is quite goofy when he’s young, he grows up to be quite a serious and somber adult. Being a terrier, he is attentive and may serve as an excellent watchdog, despite his stubborn nature.

Scottish Terriers also possess a high level of intelligence. So, If you want them to be obedient, you will need to train them regularly from a very young age.

Yorkshire terriers, on the other hand, have a great temperament.  They like spending time in the great outdoors, where they may create their own unique adventures. Yorkshire Terriers also excel at companionship and security duties, making them great dogs.