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It’s an exciting time when you bring home a new puppy. They’re adorable, playful, and full of endless energy. But as your puppy grows, you might start noticing some changes in their mouth. Those tiny sharp teeth they had when you first got them will eventually fall out, making way for their permanent ones. But when exactly do puppies lose their baby teeth? In this article, we’ll tell you when do puppies lose their baby teeth and explore the puppy teething process, how to recognize the signs, and provide helpful tips to support your furry friend during this stage of their development.

Understanding Puppy Teething Process

teething puppy puppy teeth soft puppy food dog's teeth

Welcoming a new puppy into your home comes with the joy of watching them grow, and part of this journey involves the fascinating process of puppy teething. Similar to human babies, puppies undergo a significant transformation as they transition from baby teeth to their permanent adult teeth.

At around three weeks of age, most puppies start to grow their deciduous teeth, commonly known as baby teeth or milk teeth. This initial set comprises 28 baby teeth that play a crucial role in a puppy’s mouth during their early weeks.

The puppy teething timeline is a gradual process that extends to about six months of age. Around four months, the process intensifies, and you might notice your furry friend developing needle teeth or sharp puppy teeth. This is when the discomfort begins, and puppy teething symptoms may manifest, such as sore gums and the urge to chew on everything.

Pet parents can ease this potentially painful process by providing appropriate outlets for chewing. Puppy teething toys and safe chew toys are invaluable during this time. These toys not only offer relief to your pup’s sore gums but also help prevent unwanted chewing on furniture or shoes.

As the weeks progress, puppies start to naturally lose their baby teeth, making room for the emergence of permanent adult teeth. It’s common for some puppies to have retained baby teeth, necessitating vigilance from dog owners. Retained deciduous teeth can lead to dental issues, including misaligned teeth or an increased risk of periodontal disease.

Proper dental care during this stage is crucial. Introduce your puppy to the habit of having their teeth brushed regularly, using dog-friendly toothpaste and a suitable brush. Veterinary dentists recommend starting dental care early to ensure your puppy’s adult teeth develop healthily.

Understanding the nuances of puppy teething not only enhances your appreciation of your furry friend’s growth but also contributes to their long-term dental health. Providing a variety of chew toys, implementing a dental care routine, and being attentive to any signs of discomfort ensure a smoother teething process for both pet and owner.

The Stages of Puppy Teething

teething puppy canine teeth lose their teeth baby tooth dog's teeth

Stage 1: In this stage, your puppy’s baby teeth start to erupt from their gums. You might notice small, sharp teeth appearing near the front of their mouth. These teeth are essential for your puppy to explore their environment and start chewing on solid food.

Stage 2: As your puppy grows, their baby teeth will continue to come in. This stage usually occurs around three to four months of age. During this time, your puppy’s jaw and facial structure are also developing, preparing them for the arrival of their adult teeth.

Stage 3: At around four to six months, your puppy’s baby teeth will start to loosen and fall out. This is entirely normal, so don’t panic when you find tiny teeth around the house! Your puppy may experience some discomfort during this stage, and you may notice them chewing more frequently to relieve the pressure on their gums.

Stage 4: Your puppy’s adult teeth will begin to emerge, replacing the baby teeth they have lost. This process can take several months to complete. During this stage, it is crucial to continue providing appropriate chew toys and treats to redirect their chewing behavior and prevent them from damaging furniture or other household items.

The Timeline of Puppy Teething

weeks of age dog's teeth periodontal disease adult tooth puppy teething timeline

Every puppy is different, so the timeline for teething can vary. However, on average, most puppies will have lost all their baby teeth by six to eight months of age. By this time, their permanent teeth should have come in.

It’s important to note that larger dog breeds may have a slightly longer teething process compared to smaller breeds. This is because their adult teeth are larger and take more time to fully emerge. Patience and consistent dental care are key during this period to ensure your puppy’s oral health is maintained.

During the teething process, it is common for puppies to experience increased drooling, irritability, and a tendency to chew on anything they can find. Providing them with appropriate outlets for their chewing instincts, such as frozen teething toys or specially designed chew treats, can help alleviate discomfort and prevent destructive chewing behavior.

Remember, teething is a temporary phase in your puppy’s life. With proper care and attention, they will soon have a strong set of adult teeth that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Recognizing Signs of Puppy Teething

puppies grow baby teeth milk teeth puppy teething symptoms

Now that you understand the stages and timeline of puppy teething, let’s discuss how to recognize when your furry friend is going through this process.

Puppy teething is a natural and necessary part of your puppy’s development. Just like human babies, puppies go through a teething phase where their baby teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. This process can be uncomfortable for your furry friend, but with your help and understanding, you can make this transition easier for them.

Physical Signs of Teething

permanent adult teeth emerge adult teeth start dog's teeth properly

During teething, puppies may experience some physical discomfort. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Increased drooling: You may notice your puppy drooling more than usual during the teething process. This is because the increased saliva production helps soothe their gums and alleviate some of the discomfort.
  • Swollen and red gums: Your puppy’s gums may appear swollen and red during teething. This is a normal response to the new teeth pushing through the gums.
  • Chewing on objects or hands: Puppies instinctively chew on objects to relieve the pressure and discomfort in their gums. You may find them gnawing on toys, furniture, or even your hands during this time.
  • Loss of appetite: The discomfort in their mouth can make it difficult for puppies to eat. If you notice a decrease in appetite during the teething process, it’s important to offer them soft and easily chewable food to ensure they’re getting the nutrition they need.
  • Bad breath: As the baby teeth loosen and fall out, bacteria can accumulate in your puppy’s mouth, leading to bad breath. Regular brushing and dental care can help combat this issue.

If you notice any of these signs, your puppy is likely going through the teething process. Providing them with appropriate outlets for chewing can help alleviate some of their discomfort and prevent destructive chewing behavior.

Offer them a variety of safe and durable chew toys specifically designed for teething puppies. These toys can help massage their gums and provide relief.

Behavioral Changes During Teething

most dogs dog's adult teeth puppies teeth permanent teeth replace

Puppy teething can also cause behavioral changes. You may notice your once well-behaved puppy becoming more irritable, restless, or even lethargic during this time. This is because the discomfort in their mouth can make them feel agitated and uneasy.

It’s important to be patient with your furry companion during this phase. Understand that they may be experiencing discomfort and may not be their usual playful selves. Provide them with plenty of love and support, and try to engage them in gentle activities that don’t put too much pressure on their teeth.

In addition to behavioral changes, some puppies may also experience mild bleeding or slight swelling around their gums. This is normal and should resolve on its own. However, if you notice excessive bleeding or severe swelling, it’s best to consult your veterinarian for further guidance.

Remember, teething is a temporary phase, and with proper care and attention, your puppy will soon have a full set of strong and healthy adult teeth.

How to Support Your Puppy During Teething

dog chew 28 baby teeth baby teeth longer dog toys crooked teeth dog toothpaste

Seeing your puppy in discomfort can tug at your heartstrings. Fortunately, there are several ways you can support them through the teething process.

Teething is a natural part of a puppy’s development, where their baby teeth are replaced by permanent adult teeth. This process can be uncomfortable and even painful for your furry friend. However, with the right care and attention, you can help alleviate their discomfort and ensure their dental health.

Providing Safe Chew Toys

Chewing is a natural instinct for puppies, especially during teething. As their new teeth emerge, they may feel the urge to chew on anything they can find to relieve the discomfort. To prevent your puppy from damaging your furniture or personal belongings, it’s important to provide them with a variety of safe chew toys.

Look for toys specifically designed for teething puppies, as they will help soothe their gums while encouraging healthy chewing habits. These toys are often made of soft, flexible materials that provide relief to your puppy’s sore gums. Some toys even have textured surfaces that massage their gums, providing additional comfort.

It’s important to avoid giving your puppy items that are too hard or small, as they can pose choking or dental hazards. Always supervise your puppy when they’re chewing to ensure their safety. Regularly inspect the chew toys for any signs of wear or damage, and replace them if necessary.

Nutritional Needs for Teething Puppies

weeks old canine toothpaste adult dogs adults dogs how many teeth

Diet plays a crucial role in supporting your puppy’s overall health, including their dental development. During the teething stage, your puppy’s nutritional needs may slightly differ from when they were younger.

Ensure your puppy is receiving a balanced and nutritious diet appropriate for their age and breed. High-quality puppy food that promotes dental health can help strengthen their developing teeth and gums. Look for puppy food that contains essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for healthy tooth development.

If you have concerns about your puppy’s specific dietary needs during teething, consult your veterinarian for personalized advice. They can recommend the best diet for your puppy’s individual needs and provide guidance on any supplements that may be beneficial.

In addition to a healthy diet, make sure your puppy has access to fresh water at all times. Staying hydrated is important for their overall well-being and can also help alleviate any discomfort caused by teething.

Remember, teething is a temporary phase in your puppy’s life. With your love, care, and attention, you can help them navigate through this stage and ensure they grow up with strong, healthy teeth.

Potential Problems and Solutions

mother's milk set of teeth baby incisors yorkshire terriers

While most puppies go through teething without any complications, there are some potential issues to be aware of. It is important to understand these problems and their solutions to ensure the proper development of your puppy’s teeth.

Delayed Tooth Loss in Puppies

veterinary dentist plush toys finger brush frozen toys teeth start to come

If your puppy’s baby teeth don’t fall out on schedule and their permanent teeth begin to emerge, it can lead to overcrowding or misalignment. This can be a cause for concern as it may affect your puppy’s ability to eat and maintain proper oral hygiene.

One possible solution to this problem is to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to examine your puppy’s teeth and determine if there is any cause for concern. In some cases, the veterinarian may recommend monitoring the situation closely to see if the baby teeth eventually fall out on their own.

However, if the baby teeth do not fall out and the permanent teeth are causing overcrowding or misalignment, the veterinarian may suggest intervention.

Intervention for delayed tooth loss in puppies can vary depending on the severity of the issue. In some cases, the veterinarian may recommend extracting the baby teeth to allow the permanent teeth to properly align. This can help prevent further complications and ensure the healthy development of your puppy’s teeth.

Overcrowding of Adult Teeth

set of teeth weeks old

Puppies with overcrowded mouths may experience difficulty eating or maintaining proper oral hygiene. Overcrowding occurs when there is not enough space in the mouth for all the adult teeth to properly align. This can lead to discomfort and potential dental issues if left untreated.

If you suspect your puppy’s adult teeth are overcrowded, it is important to seek guidance from your vet. They will be able to evaluate the situation and determine the best course of action. In some cases, orthodontic intervention may be necessary to correct the overcrowding. This can involve the use of braces or other orthodontic appliances to gradually shift the teeth into their proper positions.

In more severe cases of overcrowding, tooth extraction may be recommended. This involves removing one or more teeth to create more space in the mouth. Tooth extraction is typically done under anesthesia to ensure the comfort of the puppy during the procedure.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for puppies with overcrowded adult teeth. Your veterinarian will monitor the progress of the treatment and provide guidance on maintaining proper oral hygiene. This may include recommendations for tooth brushing techniques, dental chews, or specialized dental diets.

In conclusion, while delayed tooth loss and overcrowding of adult teeth are potential problems that can arise during a puppy’s teething process, there are solutions available. By consulting with your veterinarian and following their recommendations, you can ensure the healthy development of your puppy’s teeth and prevent any long-term complications.

When to Consult a Vet

when do puppies lose their baby teeth

Dental health is vital for your puppy’s overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor their dental development and identify any potential issues early on.

Identifying Serious Dental Issues

If you observe significant oral pain, excessive bleeding, loose teeth not related to the natural teething process, or any other concerning dental issues, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian immediately. They will be able to provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Regular Dental Check-ups for Puppies

Even if you don’t notice any concerning signs, scheduling regular dental check-ups for your puppy is essential. Your veterinarian will assess their dental health and provide advice on proper care and maintenance to prevent future problems.

Remember, early intervention is key to maintaining your puppy’s healthy smile!


In conclusion, watching your puppy grow and develop is a rewarding experience. Understanding the stages and timeline of puppy teething, recognizing the signs, and providing the necessary support will ensure a smooth transition into their adult teeth.

Remember to be patient, provide appropriate chew toys, and consult your veterinarian if any concerns arise. With your love and care, your puppy will have a bright and healthy smile for years to come!