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No matter what breed of dog your pet is, you have to be very careful when the winter approaches. Whether it is chilling rainfall, snow, or sub-zero wind chills, you need to be very cautious to keep your pet warm and healthy. Certain dog breeds can handle the winters much better than others, but when the temperature drops, they all need warmth. As a pet owner, you must know the dog caring tips on what to do to keep your puppy safe, warm, and healthy. After all, the pet’s safety is our responsibility.

Does Cold Affect Dogs?

Just like any other human being, dogs feel cold and get affected by colder weather. Young dogs and those having short coats feel cold more than adult dogs and those having thick coats. Likewise, older dogs can face adverse consequences of cold weather than younger dogs.

It is to remember that a thick coat can save the dog’s body. However, the ears, nose, paws, and tail remain exposed to chilling conditions.

What Temperature Is Too Cold for a Canine?

Dogs are not comfortable at a temperature below 32 degrees F. Some dog breeds start reacting to cold below 45 degrees F. Do not allow your pet to stay outside for a longer time when the temperature goes below 32 degrees F.

You need to be extra cautious if you stay in coastal areas as we do. The Weather in Vero Beach is not that cold, but the continuous wind breezes make it chilling overnight.

What Safety Measures Will Keep Dogs Safe In Winter?

Here are some dog caring tips that will help your puppy to stay comfortable and safe during the winter months.

Give Your Pet a Warm Bed

Provide a warm mattress and a thick blanket to your pet. It provides enough warmth a dog needs to sleep well at night. The nights are very chilly during winters, and the temperature tends to fall at any phase during the night. A self-warming mat for pets is available in the market, which is a very favorable option.

If you own a pet, you are liable for his safety. Consult a veterinarian for any queries related to the dog’s safety in winter weather.

A Sweater or Jacket Is Very Helpful to Keep Warm

Dog breeds, like malamutes, and huskies have thick coats that protect their bodies from chilling winds. They are capable of handling the winter conditions better than others having lesser hairs.

Dog breeds, like Chihuahuas, miniature pinschers, greyhounds, and whippets have fewer hairs, and they need a sweater or jacket when enjoying the outdoor walk.

Be sure that you give them a proper fit. Too loose clothing will fall off from the body, and a tighter one will irritate your pet. Make sure that you choose a jacket with buttons over zippers. Zippers may result in a choking hazard.

Providing a Good Shelter Is Important

Do not allow your dog to spend much time outside in winter. Roaming in a cold yard may cause frostbite to the dog’s ears, paws, and tail. You must ensure that your pet’s kennel is in a dry place that is also draft-free.

Dogs love to spend their leisure time in their kennel, and a warm shelter will keep them safe from harsh winter conditions. The dog’s shelter must be 4-5 inches above ground level, and the roof has a proper slope. Laying down some stray food will provide additional insulation.

Paying Attention to Dog’s Paws

You cannot give shoes to your pet like you provide a sweater and jacket to them. There remains a threat of frostbite to a dog’s bare paws. A snowy ground may give rise to a more serious condition. It is wise to pay attention to your pet’s paws.

Check your pet’s paws regularly in winters, especially when the dog comes inside after being outside. It is advisable to wipe away snow and moisture on paws. Some dog breeds have hairs between the paws, and you need to trim those excess hairs to maintain their paws.

Consult a vet if you find abrasions or cuts and cracking of paws out of the cold.

Additional Safety Tips to Protect Your Dog in Winter

Along with the safety dog caring tips mentioned above, here are some additional tips you must know to comfort your dog in winters.

It is essential for dogs that they remain active and continue their daily exercise in the winter months. During winters, indoor exercise is advisable.

Dogs love to remain close to fireplaces when it is colder outside. Pets should not be left unattended with a fire burning nearby.

Antifreeze is toxic to dogs, and you should keep it out of reach of your pet.

Fire heaters can also harm your pet if it is too close to a heater. Not only is it limited to getting a burning wound but there are also chances of an electric shock to a pet.

Avoid Unfavorable Situations and Enjoy Winters

Winters are the season to enjoy vacations and spend quality time with your family and pets. At the same time, this chilly weather can bring in different troubles if you overlook them. The smart way to avoid a complex situation is to prepare for the conditions.

It is easier to handle the situation when you know about it. In this article, we have discussed the problems that your pet can face in winters and also the tips to avoid unwanted troubles.


It is sure that by following these dog caring tips, you can make your dog comfortable and safe during this winter.


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