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Diabetes in Yorkshire Terriers is not a rare disease and there are certain factors such as age and lifestyle that can contribute to the development of this disease. Most of the Yorkies, including Teacup Yorkies, get sick with this disease in their middle age. At the same time, female Yorkies have a higher risk of developing diabetes but vets consider that one of the contributing factors is genetics.

Diabetes in Yorkshire Terriers and Treatment

They state that there are genetic markers that can show which of the breeds can be more predisposed to this disease. Yorkies can be related to breeds that have a higher risk of becoming diabetic. Diabetes is considered a chronic endocrine disease that causes an inability to produce insulin. Insulin is one of the crucial components used to metabolize sugar.

If you do not understand that your Yorkie is suffering from diabetes, you need to pay attention to symptoms such as frequent urination, blindness, and weight loss.

Besides, they can lose consciousness which is a severe sign of diabetes and medical attention is required immediately. Insulin injections are the main treatment of diabetes in the Yorkies. To control blood sugar levels, daily shots are needed. Your vet will guide you on the dosage and frequency of how many shots your dog can receive. You also need to check glucose levels at home on a regular basis.

But at the same time, diabetes will not affect each of Yorkies and it does not mean that your Yorkie will be suffering all their life. You need to take all the possible precisions to minimize the chances of this chronic disease. You need to prevent your Yorkie from gaining weight as it provides additional stress to inner body parts. That is why exercising and lifestyle should become priority number one for all family members.

Life Expectancy for Dogs With Diabetes

Sleepy Yorkie

People often ask, how long can a dog live with diabetes? Should I put him down? The answer to this question is a big NO. Diabetes in canines is just a condition like diabetes in humans. They can live a happy, fulfilling life without any signs of disease. But achieving that level requires considerable effort on your part. If you can give them insulin, diabetes does not impact their life expectancy at all. Experts say if your dog lives past the first three months, you shouldn’t worry at all about the future. Dogs who die from diabetes pass away before their condition can be regulated.


Like diabetes in human beings, we don’t know for sure what causes diabetes in canines. Experts believe some dogs are more prone to developing this condition on the basis of their genetics. However, being overweight considerably increases the risk of developing diabetes in the future. This is because obesity makes the body cells more resistant to insulin. Other most common factors that may cause diabetes are:

  • Age: 5 Years or older are more prone to diabetes.
  • Gender: Female unsprayed canines are twice as likely as males to develop diabetes.
  • Chronic pancreatitis: It damages the pancreas.
  • Steroids: When used for a longer period, steroids can cause diabetes in dogs.

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Female Yorkie posing

In pet diabetes, excessive sugar levels build up in the blood. Yet, the cells that desperately need sugar can’t access it. This causes twofold negative effects on the body. These are:

  1. Cells cant get the fuel necessary for normal function. Organ and muscle cells, in particular, can’t get the fuel they need to generate energy. As a response, the body starts breaking down the stored proteins and fats as an alternative.
  2. Diabetes causes higher glucose to build up in the blood. This tends to damage multiple vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, nerves, blood vessels, and eyes.

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To treat diabetes in dogs, use a combination of the following on the advice of your vet:

Sleepy Yorkie

  • Diet: Your family vet will recommend an ideal low-fat diet for your Yorkie. This may include proteins as well as fiber and carbs that can absorb higher glucose levels from the blood.
  • Exercise: They may suggest a moderate yet regular exercise routine. Any moderate exercise can help avoid sudden drops or spikes in the glucose level. Regular exercise is also considered a natural cure for diabetes in dogs.
  • Insulin Injections: Diabetic dogs need regular insulin shots. You will have to learn how to administer these shots under your dog’s skin. Once you learn how to do it, diabetes injections for dogs become a quick routine. But the procedure may take some getting used to – for you as well as your dog.

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Going forward, you have to take several precautions to ensure your canine friend enjoys a long, happy life. These are:

  1. Medication & Vet appointments – Follow your vet’s advice. Make sure you administer the right dosage of medication on time. You may also have to follow up on tests with your vet to ensure the medicine is working.
  2. Lifestyle & Routine changes

Your dog will have to undergo a drastic lifestyle and routine change. As per your vet’s advice, you can go for some diabetic dog food that involves less glucose. You also have to ensure your pet remains active throughout the day.

  1. Vigilance

You have to be vigilant when caring for dogs with diabetes. Keep an eye on them from time to time. Monitor them closely. So that you know when they start showing symptoms of high or low glucose/insulin levels.

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