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Since they live, dine, and play with us, we always consider our dogs not just any other pet, but an important part of our family. Because we’re extremely close with them, we cannot help but associate their lifestyle, behavior, and even hobbies with ours. This even goes to the point when we try to measure our age as humans to theirs as dogs.

Yorkie Overweight

Many times that we hear this belief that a year in a dog’s life is equivalent to 7 years in humans’. This can be a cool estimate that many fiction stories may find useful in writing a plot. However, when reality bites, this is not true all the time especially dogs’ age vary according to their sizes, breeds, and even environment. Also, we can attest that unlike humans, dogs mature and age faster in their younger years than us.

What may be a safe ground is to think that smaller breeds like Yorkshire Terriers tend to live longer than the bigger ones. Thus, the Yorkie age equivalent may be significantly different than how we perceive in other breeds.

Let’s have an overview of toy Yorkie lifespan as well as how old a Yorkie does live along with other important information I am sure you’ll find helpful as you care for your little, senior Yorkies.

How Long Do Yorkies Live?

The average life expectancy for a Yorkshire terrier ranges from 12 to 15 years. The average age for both male and female Yorkshire terrier sits at 13.5 years old, but some observe that female Yorkies are expected to live an average of 1.5 years longer than male Yorkies.

Sleepy Yorkie

This must tell us that Yorkies indeed have the potential to live longer than other breeds. Their average lifespan expectancy may still not be considered long but as compared to other domesticated dogs with an average lifespan of 12.6 in the US and 11 years in the U.K.

Yorkies tend to outdo the numbers.

Needless to say, if their health is well-maintained and there will be no accidental death will not happen, they can even live longer than their expected average life span.

Now, what could be the reason/s behind for longer-than-average yorkie life expectancy? Let’s take a look at these two:

#1: It is relieving to know that the Yorkshire Terrier is quite a healthy breed of dog.

While they cannot really avoid several health issues, especially the senior Yorkies, they are not incurable and can be well-managed. For example, Yorkies suffering from collapsed trachea can be aided by using a soft dog harness. For those having hypoglycemia, a right and balanced diet can be a great treatment.

#2: The rule of thumb is that smaller breeds of dogs and toy breeds like Yorkies simply live longer than medium to large breeds.

Since they grow faster and age quicker, Yorkies’ life expectancy may exceed large breeds. However, with most creatures in the animal kingdom, this is not the case since larger animals tend to live longer than small animals. This general fact is only applicable to dogs and toy breeds.

Here’s a Yorkie article you might enjoy: Signs a Yorkshire Terrier is in Heat

Teacup Yorkie Lifespan

Yorkie in car seat

It is a relief that an average Yorkie age can range from 12 to 15 years of age, a Teacup Yorkie will not.

Unfortunately, due to their diminished size and a higher risk of health issues, Teacup Yorkies are only expected to live to be around 7 to 9 years of age.

Compared to a regular Yorkshire Terrier, Teacup Yorkies are more prone to a whole host of diseases and other health problems. Teacup Yorkies face various health problems such as:

  • Collapsed Trachea: A disease affecting the cartilage in the trachea. This is why it is strongly recommended to always use a soft dog harness instead of a collar for all types of Yorkies, especially for Teacup Yorkies.
  • Increased risk of bone fractures: The structure and strength of the Teacup Yorkies’ bones are smaller and weaker due to their reduced stature.
  • Hypoglycemia: The Teacup’s body is less capable of storing glucose due to its lack of muscle mass. Thus, it is important to supplement Teacup Yorkies’ diet with dog dietary supplements. Offering frequent snacks can also help.
  • Hip dysplasia: Displacement of the socket and ball joint of the hip.
  • Luxating patella: This occurs when the kneecap becomes displaced (or “luxated”).
  • Heart diseases: Remarked as the top cause of death; thus, the shorter lifespan found in Teacup Yorkies.
  • Hydrocephalus: Excess of fluid in the brain, causing the body to swell, brain damage, and if not treated, death.
  • Legg – Perthes Disease: A condition involving the spontaneous deterioration of the femur bone in the Yorkie’s hind leg.
  • Gum disease: All Yorkies are very prone to dental problems so a quality mouth care solution must be provided.
  • Small kidneys: Yorkies with this condition have congenital defects.
  • Open fontanels: These are soft spots located at the top of the skull.

Here’s another Yorkie article you might enjoy: Yorkie Puppy Stages

How Old Is the Oldest Yorkie?

Bowie Yorkie posing

This is such an interesting fact. A Yorkshire Terrier name Jack is regarded not just as the oldest Yorkshire, but the oldest dog of all breeds in the history of Great Britain.

He was definitely incredible and not your average Yorkshire, not only in terms of age but also in his features. Jack reached a silver and one age of 25, almost double the age of how old Yorkies live. If we convert this age to human years, this would amount to 117 years old. Isn’t amazing?

Sadly, Jack’s life suddenly ended when he was attacked by another dog when he was 29. He was one of many senior Yorkies who died due to accidental death such as attacks or vehicular accidents.

Jack left a legacy by having a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for being the oldest dog. Up to this point, Jack still takes the throne.

Here’s a Yorkie article you might enjoy: Color Changes in Yorkies

Yorkie Age Equivalency to Humans

Quaity dog food

As mentioned earlier, dogs’ age and average life spans vary in terms of their size, breed, and environment.

In the case of Yorkies, their average lifespan has even doubled and shot through the years since the 1920s. The evolution of medical technology allows for greater medicines, surgeries, and other life-extending treatments. Hence, from around 7 years in the 1920s, senior Yorkies can be expected to live up to 15 years or even more today.

Nevertheless, it is still interesting to know how our lovely Yorkie fares in terms of human age. Let’s check what is 13 in dog years for instance through this chart. Here is a quick guide from

Yorkie YearsHuman Years

Here’s another Yorkie article you might enjoy: Estimate your Puppy’s Weight and Size

Yorkie Age Equivalency to Other Dogs

Female Yorkie

If you are planning to have a larger dog or you are already taking care of one, you might be interested to know how the age of large dogs compare to Yorkies and humans too.

Here are the important age milestones a Yorkie may go through so let’s use this as a comparison point for dogs and humans:

  • By 5, a Yorkie is equivalent to a 36-year-old human, while a large dog has the same age equivalency of 36 years old.
  • By 7, a Yorkie has the age equivalency of a 44-year old human. A large dog at 7 is equivalent to a 50-year-old human.
  • By 10, a Yorkie has the age equivalency of a 56-year-old human. A large dog at 10 is equivalent to a 66-year-old human. However, a medium-sized dog is between the two and the equivalent of 60 in human years.
  • By 13, a Yorkie has the age equivalency of a 68-year-old human. On the other hand, a large dog at 13 is equivalent to an 82-year-old human.
  • By 16, a Yorkie has the age equivalency of an 80-year-old human. Interestingly, a large dog at 16 would be equivalent to a 120-year-old human! Large breeds over 50 pounds rarely reach this age milestone. It’s good to know too that a medium-sized dog of the same age would be the equivalent of 87 in human years.

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Caring for Your Senior Yorkie – Everything You Need to Know

Important Yorkshire Terrier Growth Milestones

senior Yorkie

  • 3 Weeks

At 3 weeks, a newborn Yorkie will begin to open his eyes. If your Yorkie’s tail was docked after birth, it will be fully healed.

  • 4 Weeks

By now, your Yorkie puppy will be an explorer as they learn to walk. Also, you can expect them to wean from a liquid diet and onto a solid diet will begin.

  • 8 Weeks

A Yorkie puppy will be legally allowed to be given to a new owner at the age of 8 weeks and separated from his mother. If training hasn’t yet started, then now is the time. By this time, your Yorkie pup shall learn to eat a fully solid diet of puppy food, and completely be independent of his mother.

  • 3 to 6 Months

You’ll notice your Yorkie’s ears begin to pop up during the 3 to 6 month period. The time this will happen can differ from pup to pup.

  • 4 to 7 Months

At any point within the 4 to 7 months of age bracket, your Yorkie will begin teething. Make sure you have appropriate teething toys at home!

  • 5 Months

While you may have seen the perfect bite come along by now, it’s not uncommon to see it go again around the 5-month point. Owners should be very aware of a Yorkie’s bite going awry, as a good bite is crucial to proper chewing and digestion, and overlapping teeth can be an ideal place for bacteria to grow.

  • 5 to 9 Months

Around about now a female Yorkie will tend to enter her first heat. Spaying your Yorkie is highly recommended if you’re not looking to breed. Spaying will also greatly cut down any potential of developing mammary or ovarian cancer.

  • 1 Year

Welcome to adulthood, baby Yorkie! Your Yorkie may now be friends with an adult small-breed kibble.

  • 8+ Years

Your baby is now considered a senior Yorkie. Intensive tender, loving care must be taken to change dog food to a senior variety, and lots of other changes should be made. More frequent visits to the vet and extra care shall be observed too.

Here’s a Yorkie article you’ll also enjoy: How Big Do Teacup Yorkies Get? The Expected Size of a Full-Grown Teacup Yorkie

When is a Yorkie Considered to be a Senior?

Though there is no specific age unlike in humans when they are to be considered as senior citizens, senior Yorkies maybe around the age of 8 to 10 years old. Relatively, this is somewhat equivalent to 48-56 years of age in humans.

Just a friendly reminder, Yorkies are still not humans and for this range of age equivalency, Yorkies may require more attention in terms of their health and maintenance.