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No, Yorkies don’t always come in a small size. In fact, they can vary in size quite a bit. Sure, even a bigger Yorkie is small for other dog breeds. But there is still a lot of variation in size. That is why people often ask, when do Yorkies stop growing? Or How big my Yorkie will get? While it’s always good to know just how big (or small) your little dog can get, the answer isn’t so simple. Several factors impact your dog’s size. Diet, health, and Genes – all play a significant role in a Yorkie’s growth.

How To Tell How Big A Yorkie Will Get

This comprehensive guide aims to provide all the information you need to know about the size of your pooch. We have included information about the average size, weight, and health along with the terrier size chart. Besides, you will get an estimate of your Yorkie’s growth on the basis of his current weight and know what strategies to adopt if your Yorkie, and Teacup Yorkies, get overweight. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

What is the Average Size of a Yorkie?

A fully grown Yorkie is approximately 7 to 8 inches tall. The height of a Yorkie Terrier is measured from a distance between the ridge on the dog’s shoulder blades and the ground. Likewise, its length should also be proportionate to the height. Length is usually measured from the base of their tail to the neck.

As Yorkie Terriers’ size can vary, it’s not unusual even for siblings to differ significantly. You can determine the size difference with genetic traits, birth weight, and daily nutrition.

Yorkies can be rather small, irrespective of where they fall on the size spectrum. However, if your pooch is shorter than 7 inches, consider asking your vet for a size screening to determine any potential health conditions. Small Yorkies face a greater risk of health problems in the future. That said, large purebred Yorkies are also a thing, but if your Yorkie measures higher than 8 inches, it’s a clear sign that it’s not a purebred dog.

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What is the Average Weight of a Yorkie?

Yorkie Overweight

Normal Yorkies weigh anywhere between 4 to 7 pounds. Seven pounds is AKC standard for max Yorkie weight. Some purebred Yorkies can be an exception and weigh as high as 10 pounds. There have also been some instances of purebred Yorkies weighing as much as 15, though such cases are extremely rare and only possible if there is some large dog breed in their ancestry.

The weight of Yorkies can fluctuate. These fluctuations depend on their diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Nevertheless, if your pooch weighs under 4 pounds, it’s a cause of concern. Such underweight Yorkie terriers are called “teacup Yorkies.” The teacup Yorkies are at a much greater risk of developing serious health issues such as digestive and trachea problems. So much so that Teacup Yorkies have a much shorter life span than their larger relatives.

As long as your pooch is in great shape, and follows a healthy diet with a good exercise routine, you don’t need to worry.

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How to Tell if Your Yorkie is the Right Weight?


If you don’t know whether your Yorkie falls within the optimal weight range on the basis of its stature or you are having trouble weighing your dog on a scale, perform a physical assessment of its shape. Below we are discussing a few methods you can employ to inspect a Yorkie’s body for mass.

The very first method is the visual assessment. You can assess the weight of your dog just by looking down at them. Check your Yorkie from behind. See whether the waist subtly curves inside as you are moving your eyes from their ribcage to the waist or not. If the curve is really sharp, it’s a sign that your dog is underweight. A healthy Yorkie will have a very subtle curve.


The second method is by observing the abdomen when looking at the side profile of your dog. A healthier dog’ will have a slightly upward abdomen from the ribcage. A skinny one will have no visible body fat, and their stomach will appear tucked inwards.

The third method is by noticing the ribcage. Place your hands gently on the sides of your pooch. Can you feel the ribcage? Can you see the ribcage? If you can see the ribcage, it’s a sign your dog is underweight.

However, if you can neither see nor feel the ribcage, it means you better get your dog back to the exercise routine.

Yorki Poo

True, Yorkie’s hair makes any kind of visual assessment really hard. However, you can still use your hands to feel for any signs of a drastic physical change. This technique is really helpful in assessing whether your dog is under or overweight.

You can also gently press and run your finger down the spine to feel for their pelvic bone. A prominent pelvic bone indicates your dog needs more weight. Yorkie Terriers with ideal weight have a thin layer of fats between the bones and skin, which is easily noticeable when you press and rub their body. As obvious, feeling the bones of overweight terriers can be quite a challenge.

Happy Yorkie

Oversized or underweight terriers are in the risk category because of various health complications such as fluctuating blood sugar levels, higher susceptibility to bodily injury, and hip dysplasia. The inability to exercise can further exacerbate any health condition. Nevertheless, only your family vet can better advise you about your Yorkie’s health. They may also suggest any diet, routine, or exercise change to address the weight issues.

The chart below will provide you with an ESTIMATE of your puppy’s weight from birth to 18 months of age. Your breeder may be able to provide a more exact estimate.

Before using this chart, you must convert your puppy’s weight into ounces, and their age into weeks.

If you require assistance converting, please click the links below.

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Here is How to Use this Dog Weight and Growth Chart

  1. Locate your puppy’s current age (weeks) in the left column.

  2. Scroll across the column to locate your puppy’s weight (ounces).

  3. Follow your puppy’s weight column to the bottom to find your puppy’s estimated adult weight.

Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Weight and Growth Chart

Birth 2.5 oz. 2.75 oz. 3 oz. 3.5 oz. 4 oz. 4.25 oz. 4.5 oz. 5 oz. 5.5 oz.
1 week 4.50 5 5.5 6 7 7.5 8 9 9.5
2 weeks 6 6.5 7 8.5 10 11 12 13 13.5
3 weeks 7 8 8.5 10.5 13 14 15 16 17.5
4 weeks 8 9.5 10 12 14.5 16 18 20 21
5 weeks 9 11 11.5 13.5 16 18 20 22 24
6 weeks 10 12.5 13 15 17.5 20 23 24 27
7 weeks 11 12 14.5 17 19 22 25 27 30
8 weeks 12 13.5 16 19 21.5 24 27 29 32
9 weeks 13 15 18 22 23 26 30 33 35
10 weeks 14 16 20 24 25 28 33 36 38
11 weeks 15 17 21 26 28 31 36 39 42
12 weeks 16 18 22 28 32 35 40 43 45
13 weeks 17 20 24 30 34 36 42 45 48
14 weeks 18 22 26 32 36 39 44 47 51
15 weeks 19 23 28 34 38 42 46 51 55
16 weeks 20 25 30 36 40 44 49 54 59
17 weeks 21 26 31 38 42 46 51 57 62
18 weeks 22 28 33 39 44 48 54 60 65
19 weeks 23 29 34 40 45 50 56 62 67
20 weeks 24 30 35 41 46 52 58 64 70
21 weeks 25 31 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
22 weeks 25 32 37 43 48 56 62 68 74
23 weeks 26 33 38 44 50 57 64 70 76
24 weeks 26 33 39 45 51 58 65 71 78
25 weeks 27 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 79
26 weeks 27 34 40 47 53 60 67 73 80
18 month 2 lbs 2.5 lbs 3 lbs 3.5 lbs 4 lbs 4.5  lbs 5 lbs 5.5 lbs 6 lbs
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Is a Large Yorkie Still Healthy?

Of course, a large Yorkie can still be healthy. There’s no doubt about that. If your dog weighs over 8 pounds but doesn’t look fat by any means and your family vet is fine with the weight, it means there is no issue. And you better not worry.

Like humans, their weight depends on their bone structure as much as it depends on their diet. Tall Yorkie Terriers will weigh more.  Their larger stature and greater muscle mass play a role in their weight. Just like any other dog, Yorkies can carry excess weight. As a rule of thumb, if they are over 10 pounds, you should get them examined to determine any health issues.

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What If My Yorkie Is Overweight?

Take care of your dog’s diet from the get-go. This is because once a dog starts gaining weight, losing the extra pounds becomes very hard. Obesity in Yorkies can lead to serious consequences as it puts a greater strain on their heart.

Excessive fat is directly linked to a shorter life, canine diabetes, respiratory diseases, kidney disorders, skin problems, higher BP, and significant risks of developing cancers.

If your Yorkie Terrier becomes overweight, consult a health professional for advice. Depending on your dog’s health history, they will suggest a combination of exercise and diet routine to reduce excess fat.

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With this Yorkshire Terrier size chart, we hope you have a much clearer idea of different Yorkie sizes and where your pooch falls on the weight spectrum. Like all other dog breeds, your dog may just be an exception if they feel somewhat bigger than others. Irrespective of where they fall on the range, as long as your dog is healthy and happy, there is no cause for concern.  Just ensure they are getting enough exercise, a quality diet, and rest time for a healthy life.

An over or underweight dog is at a much greater risk of health complications. Such Yorkie Terriers also have a very shorter lifespan. You can use the above methods to determine whether they are average size, under or over the normal weight as per their stature. Change your dog’s lifestyle if need be to ensure they live life to its fullest and bring happiness to your life as well.