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If you suffer from allergies to dogs, but still desire a canine companion, you may want to consider a Yorkie.  While naming a dog “hypoallergenic” is actually a misnomer, Yorkies have been known to be less likely to trigger an allergic reaction in those who are vulnerable compared to some other breeds of dogs. Let’s see what the experts say.

Is Yorkies Perfect for People Suffering from Allergies?

They can become ideal pets for those who suffer from acute allergy symptoms but you should not forget about the proper precautions. Yorkies are mostly considered to be hypoallergenic dogs but at the same time, they are not allergen-free.

Even if you have a dog of a hairless breed, you cannot consider it to be allergen-free. The most frequent cause of any allergy is dander. If considering hypoallergenic dogs, we cannot state that they lack any dander. But with the proper care, they can become dander-free. That is why you need to define whether you have a severe allergy to dog dander and at this time any hypoallergenic dog can become a cause of allergy symptoms.

The first reason why any Yorkie is considered to be hypoallergenic is that they have a coat that sheds dander, providing a sort of protection for any allergy sufferer. To keep the coat of your Yorkie in perfect condition you need to take certain measures. The first rule you need to follow in order to prevent dander from spreading is that your Yorkie should be groomed, bathed, properly brushed, and be protected with dog allergies treatments.

Yorkies PerfectBesides, there are a lot of shampoos that can reduce dander. Once you decide to groom your pet, it is better to wear a mask along with gloves. It is preferred to be done outside.

Additionally, you need to wash your clothes and hands after each grooming or brushing. Do not let your pet enter your bedroom and keep it off of all your clothes and bedwear. Try to use vacuum cleaners with hypofilters as they will catch all the dander and will not disperse it into the air.

Photo by Etsy Ketsy [CC-BY-SA-2.0], undefined

What Are The Causes of Dog Allergies?

Since dogs are living creatures, it is also in their nature to produce a lot of waste, foul smells, and tons of bacteria. These elements found in dogs are all potential causes of allergies to their owners. Saliva, dander, and other external elements are some of the examples we can count.


Similar to humans, dogs’ mouths will always have bacteria no matter how many times we brush their teeth. The bacteria can grow and stay in their saliva which can cause dermatitis and other skin problems among humans. 

Given the idea that dogs lick people to show their affection, they would also do it when they smell something similar to food on your skin. Dog breeds such as bulldogs are more likely to salivate.


Dander is one of the most prevalent things that allergy patients respond to. Dander is made up of dead skin cells and it is similar to the canine counterpart of dandruff. It also often contains proteins generated from the skin. In a lot of instances, these proteins are the source of immune reactions.

As your dog’s skin dries out, it will be replaced by new skin cells over time. As the dander falls off, it binds itself to the surrounding hair. 

Depending on your dog’s shedding pattern, your home can quickly fill up with dander. Over time, dog owners can have allergic reactions.

Other Elements

Some people who have allergies aren’t allergic to dogs at all. They could be allergic to anything a dog brings with them when they go outside. For example, pollen which can be found outside is one of the world’s most common allergies. It can be found in trees, flowers, and even grass.

When your dog goes outside to play or explore, he or she will be exposed to a lot of pollen which has the tendency to cling to your dog’s fur. If you have a dog breed that is long-haired, it can track in a lot of pollen. If you are allergenic, this can really be a problem.

Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic Dogs?

It may not be safe to say that Yorkies do not cause allergies to their owners at all. However, with these features, they are less likely to cause it compared to other breeds.

Hair Growth Cycle of Yorkie

A Yorkie’s hair grows continuously throughout its life. The growth cycle is pretty stable compared to furry dogs. Thus, dogs with fur go through growth and shedding cycles. The quantity of shedding you may expect from a Yorkie is comparable to that of your own head.

A Yorkie’s hair will grow until it reaches a certain length if it is not clipped. Some dogs’ hair will be longer than others. The length of a Yorkie’s hair is determined by genetics. It will fall out and be replaced by another hair once it reaches its maximum length.

The good thing about Yorkie’s shedding cycle is that most of the hair falls back into the coat. The surrounding hairs tend to catch and hang onto loose strands until they are properly removed.

Size of the Yorkie

Because of their tiny size, you don’t have to worry about dander issues as much. While it is still produced, the nature of their hair makes it impossible for allergies to be dispersed into the air. To support such a statement, Yorkies, as opposed to medium or large-sized dogs, are relatively limited in their ability to climb on furniture.

Yorkies are Non-Droolers

This is an important reason why Yorkies are hypoallergenic. They drool so little. A healthy adult Yorkie will usually only drool if they have dental or health issues. Most puppies have no trouble keeping their saliva under control.

The only exposure to saliva with Yorkies is through licking. Fortunately, you can quickly teach Yorkies to stop licking with simple behavioral training.

Yorkie’s Hair 

Yorkies are famous for their long, lustrous locks of hair. Yorkies, unlike many other breeds, lack fur. Not in the classic sense, at any rate. Most dogs have two layers of fur on their bodies. At any temperature, the fur can provide them with insulation.

Excessive Shedding among Yorkies

While Yorkies do not even have specific periods of excessive shedding, there are times when you may notice them losing more hair than usual.

Pregnant Yorkies may have increased hair loss because of hormonal changes. Certain medical issues, as well as pharmaceuticals, can cause Yorkies’ hair to fall out.

If this is the case, it is critical to seek veterinary assistance in order to restore your dog’s gleaming coat.

Do Yorkies Still Have Dander? 

Yorkies do not have dander simply because they have long hair. It’s still something you’ll have to deal with. However, a Yorkie’s dander is released in a different way than its fur-covered counterparts.

Do Yorkies Shed? 

Yorkies, aside from being hypoallergenic, are considered to be non-shedding dogs. This can be a little confusing because all organisms with hair or fur will shed. Even we humans shed hair throughout the year.

However, what makes them recognized as non-shedding dogs is their unique hair texture and growth cycle making it almost unnoticeable.

Are Yorkies Completely Hypoallergenic? 

While Yorkies are one of the finest breeds for allergy sufferers, there is no such thing as an entirely hypoallergenic dog. Yorkies still continue to generate allergies

However, here are ways how we can prevent getting allergic to whatever dog breed we have.

Make Sure Home is Cleaned Regularly

Not only should your pets be cleaned on a regular basis, but so should your entire home. At the very least, you should clean the places where your dog stays at least once a week.

Observe Good Hygiene

One of the most crucial things any owner should do after playing with their pet is to wash their hands. However, if no sources are accessible, you should avoid touching your eyes or face with your hands.

It’s a good idea to keep some hand cleanser on hand at all times so you don’t get into any mistakes while out with your dog.

Give your Dog a Proper Training 

When you bring your Yorkie home, the first thing you should do is set some house rules. You can teach your dog not to lick your body and to stay away from the objects you use.

During the training phase, it is important to be gentle with your puppy. Yorkies are considered to be really sensitive. They are not amused by harsh body language or yelling. If you’re having problems, you can hire a professional trainer to help you and your dog.

Groom Dog Regularly

Keeping your dog’s hair trimmed and tidy is an effective way to ensure that the dander does not cause irritation. Yorkies should be brushed and washed on a regular basis. Always remember that if you have allergies, it’s best to leave the grooming to a professional.

Do Yorkies Have Hypoallergenic Fur?

A common question we’re asked is whether one could consider a Yorkshire Terrier hypoallergenic or not. So, are yorkies hypoallergenic? What’s the story?

Yorkie hair is not like that of your typical dog. In reality, it’s more humanesque, growing long and straight down to the floor if not trimmed. In effect, Yorkies are considered hypoallergenic dogs, or at least a much more manageable pet for those with allergies.

So, in this post, we’re going to go over all you need to know about the Yorkie hypoallergenic status and get down to the science behind it all!

Hypoallergenic or Not — Can You be Allergic to Yorkies?


As we said, Yorkies are generally considered to be hypoallergenic. However, there are a few things you should know if you have dog allergies. 

While they retain their status as one of the least allergy-triggering breeds due to their low tendency to shed, the potential remains that you may be allergic to other aspects of Yorkies. 

There are more potential allergens than just the hair on the dogs. Certain proteins produced by a Yorkie’s body natural could still be triggering.

Are Yorkies hypoallergenic for you personally? Read on to find out what you should be looking for. 

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Brushing Teeth of Your Yorkie

Dust, Dander, & Dead Hair 

The first thing that you might be allergic to on a Yorkie is dead skin, which is then shredded into the air. The micro-particles then have a chance of being breathed in directly. 

If you’re allergic to canine skin cells, breathing them in will cause irritation or worse, have you grabbing the Zyrtec multiple times per day. 

This shouldn’t be much of a concern if your allergies are more on the mild side, as they still don’t shed large enough quantities to trigger more mild allergies. 

Cute Yorkie Puppy with red bow

Additionally, Yorkies don’t grow undercoats and overcoats like many other types of house dogs. Undercoats and overcoats are two layers of fur, and they are shredded constantly as the weather changes. 

Yorkie hair is generally hypoallergenic because it’s not going to be changing much from season to season. So, if you are primarily allergic to dead hair from dogs, a hypoallergenic Yorkie could be the answer if you still want to adopt a canine friend. 

If your pup is experiencing the infamous Yorkie dry skin problem, these allergens could become more extreme in quantity. So, it’s important to mitigate this with medication or other treatment so that you can keep their shedding or dander to a minimum.

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Keeping Coat of Your Yorkie in Perfect Condition

Allergens in the Yorkie’s Saliva & Feces 


Other than skin and hair particles, enzymes are found in your Yorkie’s excrement and saliva. Additionally, you could be allergic to certain molecules in their urine.

A plus side here is that if you have given your Yorkie potty training outside, you shouldn’t have to ever come into direct contact with your pup’s waste. 

However, saliva is one thing that’s hard to avoid coming into contact with when you have an eager Yorkie or any other dog for that matter.

To prevent reactions, make sure your pup is trained to go outside and that you regularly clean surfaces that may have come into contact with saliva. 

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Purebred or Non-Purebred Yorkies – How to Tell if Your Yorkie is Purebred

Fleas & Other Parasites

Yorkie on a sunny day

Something you should be aware of if you have general allergies is the potential for parasites to inhabit your dog’s hair. There are a few types of fleas and parasites that are especially attracted to canine fur, which could lead to exacerbation of skin shedding.

This is because if a parasite or flea bothers your poor pup, they will itch the site of irritation. Constant itching and scratching will no doubt lead to more dead skin particles. 

Make sure that your dog is checked out by a vet if you suspect they have a parasite or flea problem. Bathe them regularly and make sure you’re keeping up with a healthy Yorkie grooming routine!

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Yorkie Shedding: How Much Do Yorkshire Terriers Shed?

How to Find Out if You’re Allergic to Yorkies

Yorkie Shedding

And now, for the most important question: are Yorkies hypoallergenic enough for you to have one as a pet at home? This answer will be different for everyone, so there are a few things you’ll have to do to make sure it would be okay. 

We’d recommend that you don’t commit to adopting a Yorkie if you’re not sure, as there is one preventative measure for this that would save you the pain of having to put him or her up for adoption again. 

What you’ll need to do before you take a Yorkie home is find one to play with! There are a few ways that you could go about finding a Yorkie to spend time with, but some are easier than others.

If you have a friend with a Yorkie, ask them if you can spend a few hours with the dog. Or, you could potentially visit a shelter if they have one there. 

And for the moment of truth—if you find that you are able to spend more than a few hours with a Yorkie sans allergic reaction, great news! You should be able to give a Yorkie a home and live without fear of constant reactions.

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Yorkie Puppy Basic Care

Common Signs that You’re Allergic to Your Dog

When you are testing whether you’re allergic to Yorkies or not, you should know the primary symptoms to look out for. If you have any of the symptoms below during or after a close, drawn-out interaction with a Yorkie, the chances are you are allergic to them. 

The most common dog allergy symptoms are congestion or a runny nose. Additionally, you might experience some postnasal drip. This is because most dog allergies target mucus production in your body.

You might experience redness around the eyes and nose. If you have more extreme allergies, you might even notice that you’re having trouble breathing properly. In this case, you should definitely rethink adopting a Yorkie. 

If you have a specific allergy to Yorkie saliva when your skin comes into contact with it a rash, hive outbreak, or eczema patch might spring up. 

While these symptoms can seem intimidating, remember that with Yorkies, it’s unlikely that any will be this extreme. 

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Best Ways to Trim a Yorkshire Terrier’s Face – Do This, Not That

How to Minimize Allergic Reactions to Yorkies

If you by chance find yourself having an allergic reaction to your Yorkie or Teacup Yorkie, you should know the ways to minimize the frequency. 

Luckily, there are a few good ways that you can ensure that reactions won’t happen too often, and hopefully not at all. 

Below, we have a list of the perfect preventative measures you can take.

1. Cleanse Your Home of Dead Hair 

One thing you can do to minimize and prevent allergic reactions from your Yorkie is to get rid of the excess allergens. There’s no reason that you should be at risk for a reaction in any part of your house from Yorkie hair lying around!

The best thing to do in order to get rid of hair is a vacuum, of course. Make sure to be thorough, as hair and skin particles are so microscopic sometimes that they can float into any nooks or crannies. 

Sweeping is also an option but ultimately won’t get the hair or dust in hard-to-reach spots.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to do so regularly in order to give yourself the best allergy resistance over time.

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2. Mark Your Territory 

Yorkie Health

If you want to stop some of the allergens before they even reach certain parts of the house that you frequent, make sure your Yorkie knows where he or she can or cannot roam throughout the house. 

If you spend a lot of time in rooms with absorbent rugs or upholstery, you might want to limit your Yorkie’s access to these rooms. This type of fabric can be a magnet for allergens.

You could invest in a few barrier gates to make sure that certain rooms are off-limits, especially if you’re prone to more severe reactions.

3. Give Your Yorkie a Puppy Cut 

Something that may not be so obvious concerning allergic reaction prevention is the type of Yorkie haircut your pup has. Yorkie haircuts can do wonders, other than making your dog look absolutely adorable!

For those with allergies, we’d recommend getting your Yorkie the “puppy cut,” which is an all-around length of about 1-2 inches. 

This haircut won’t decrease the number of skin cells or hairs that are shed, but it will make for a lot more ease when grooming. If you regularly groom your Yorkie, you can avoid dry skin problems in the future.

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4. Maintain a Weekly Bathing Schedule 

As we mentioned, Yorkie dry skin can be a killer in terms of allergen production. Dead skin particles can wreak havoc on your system, especially if you’re prone to more severe reactions.

If you maintain a very consistent bathing schedule and use the right Yorkie grooming products, dry skin could be a thing of the past.

They make Yorkie hair products such as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, amongst others. Perfect for your little pup!

If it helps, create weekly reminders that bathtime is coming up so you don’t forget. The results could be drastically reduced reactions.

5. Keep the Outdoors… Outdoors 

Yorkies love the great outdoors, and it’s only natural that they’ll be exposed to it often. If you like to take your pup on outdoor walks, it’s all fun and games until they track in other allergens. 

Outdoor walks are one of the keys to a Yorkie’s happiness, but if you have general allergies to things like dirt, grass, and pollen, you should ensure that your Yorkie’s fur is free of these things before going inside.

Additionally, other than the fur you’re going to have to look out for the dirt they accumulate on their paws. 

The best thing you can do to leave the outdoors is to take a few extra cleaning steps. When you and your pup come in, immediately wipe off their paw pads with a damp paper towel. 

If you can, you can even use a blow dryer to get some of the outside dust off your pup’s fur. If that’s not as practical, make bathtimes more frequent!

6. Get an Air Purifier 

Even if you’ve taken all the precautions, sometimes you can’t get all the dust out of the house. If your Yorkie is shedding any hair or scratching itches, there will be a steady flow of particles into the air.

The solution to this is an air purifier! These come in many shapes and forms and can be paired with a fan to promote clean airflow for you.

Apart from opening windows and turning on the fans, an air purifier will work 24/7 to keep allergens out of your system.

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Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: Caring for Your Senior Yorkie – Everything You Need to Know

You Can Live with a Yorkie — Even if You Have Allergies

If you know that you have allergies and there’s just no getting around them, you can still live with a Yorkie if you’re dedicated to them. 

While more severe symptoms might require you to rethink adopting a Yorkie, if they’re mild, our methods described above should help you manage allergies. 

Overall, Yorkies are one of the best dog breeds to adopt if you have existing allergies. They are still considered hypoallergenic compared to other breeds in the grand scheme of things.

In general, you should be able to live happily with your Yorkie even if you do have symptoms from time to time.

Here’s another Yorkie article you’ll enjoy: How Often Should You Bathe Your Yorkie? Tips, Tricks and More!